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To Search for the Hidden Meanings of Dream of the Red Chamber' --A Study on the False Comparing Method and Concept of this School
作者 郭玉雯
Why do so many scholars try to search for the hidden meanings of Dream of the Red Chamber? They believe that literary works should be based on history. As a matter of fact, Chinese classical novels are somehow in the nature of unofficial records; they usually imitate the historical works in their narrating ways. An Unofficial History of the Scholars, a novel about the same time as Dream of the Red Chamber, is a good example. Furthermore, the atmosphere of the scholarly world of Ching period--for instance, Chang Xue-cheng's opinion of 'the Six Classics are all history'--promotes the scholars to interpret all kinds of works from the viewpoint of history. In the case of Dream of the Red Chamber, as the author conceals himself on purpose, it's difficult for the readers to investigate any important facts from his life, his background and environment. But the scholars are so interested in Dream of the Red Chamber that they still try to suggest a certain person or event from the novel and make far-fetched conclusions and false assumptions without true basis. For example ' there are the theory of 'the nobility of the Ching Dynasty', the theory of 'the literature of the old people of past regime', etc. But as we know, there are a confusing variety of opinions. If more and more figures are suggested to be Jia Bao-yu, maybe we can say that the author has no intention to suggest any one of them. Basically speaking, Dream of the Red Chamber is a fiction.
起訖頁 243-313
關鍵詞 比附
刊名 中央大學人文學報  
期數 200006 (20-21期)
出版單位 國立中央大學出版中心
該期刊-上一篇 從名物制度之學看經典詮釋
該期刊-下一篇 後現代主義與經典詮釋




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