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Moons in the Rivers and Account Books : How N eo-Confucians Interpret the Classics
作者 楊儒賓
This article compares two modes of classics interpretation in Neo-Confucian intellectual history. Chu His is regarded as an excellent exegetic scholar who can interpret the classics free of prejudice. In fact, Chu Hsi 's interpretation was nevertheless an act of recreation. First, He translated the moral terms of classics into transcendental principles. Second, He rearranged the various meanings of principles in a special scheme. According to Chu His, all principles in essence were the manifestation of the same Ultimate. The principles to the Ultimate was as the moons in waters to the moon in the sky. By the arrangement of this great master, the world of Four Books and of all Confucian classics was transformed into that of the Ultimate. On the contrary, Lu Hsiang Shan and Wang Yang Ming regarded the classics as the means to the ends. Classics itself is like a bridge across the river, an account book registering the acres, a ladder to the roof. Therefore, once students have grasped the meaning of the classics, or have realized the truth, they should throw away the classics. The classics is like an awkward template of the truth. This article compares this two modes of interpretation, consequently, it reveals the philosophical differences between them.
起訖頁 97-132
關鍵詞 儒家詮釋學經典記籍Confucian hermeneuticsClassicsPrinciplesAccount Books
刊名 中央大學人文學報  
期數 200006 (20-21期)
出版單位 國立中央大學出版中心
該期刊-上一篇 《近思》之「錄」與《傳習》之「錄」
該期刊-下一篇 轉化抑或對話?--李春生所理解的中國經典




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