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Scriptures and Their Popularization: The Case of the Lun-yil and Hsiao-ching in the Han Dynasty
作者 蔡彥仁
The Lun-yu (Analects of Confucius) and Hsiao-ching (Book on Filial Piety ) , two texts of chuan or commentary type, and the Wu ching, the recondite and voluminous Five Classics, formed an inseparable Confucian scriptural corpus in the Han Dynasty. Because of textual shortness and simplicity, the former two texts were widely distributed and learned. Also because people in Han China believed that Confucius was their author, they were highly respected. Han rulers then used these two small scriptures as ideological foundation to build up their empire. They even employed them for such practical purposes as promulgation of Confucian ethics, recruitment of officials, and selection of imperial consorts. The Lun-yu and Hsiao-ching were inferior in scriptural status in comparison with the Five Classics, but their sacredness and authority were by no means lower. There were at least two important reasons for this. First, each of these two small scriptures contained the tao by itself, hence its own independent status. Second, their succinct outline form was supposed to be summary of the profound Five Classics, hence serving to integrate the latter. On account of these two scriptural characteristics, the Lun-yu and Hsiao-ching became more popularized. From the perspective of functionality and practicality, the article argues, these two chuan should exceed the Five Classics in importance and influence. And to popularize the profound Five Classics via simpler texts for functional considerations has exactly been one of the salient scriptural phenomena in Confucian tradition.
起訖頁 137-165
關鍵詞 論語孝經五經儒家詮釋學Lun-yuHsiao-chingFive ClassicsConfucianismHermenutics
刊名 中央大學人文學報  
期數 199812 (18期)
出版單位 國立中央大學出版中心
該期刊-上一篇 古代經典與當代文化之斷裂與連續--「歷史主義」的述評
該期刊-下一篇 《莊子》與大學通識教育




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