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Scriptures & Classics in a Comparative Model for 'Humane Learning'
作者 Thomas W. Selover (Thomas W. Selover)
Humane learning or jen-hsueh indicates learning for which humaneness (jen) is the subject, object, goal and process. In developing this concept in a comparative context, the article draws upon Sung period Neo-Confucian roots as well as several contemporary cross-cultural examples. The role of scriptures and classics, both Eastern and Western, in this learning process is highlighted. The article has four sections; the first two discuss principles and patterns of character education and enculturation, leading to a model for humane learning comprised of three interpenetrating dimensions: 1) Subjective/Personal (chu-t'i hsing), 2) Objective/Mutual (tui-hsiang hsing) and 3) Critical/Constructive (chien-she p'i-p'an hsing). What actually links these three dimensions is the humane quality or developing character of jen. Critical awareness of limitations and biases in the classics is a crucial part of humane learning today, but so is creative reflection on the values found in those classics. The third section of the paper elaborates the model with special reference to Sung dynasty Neo-Confucian readings of the Confucian classics, and the process of 'savoring the text' (wan-wei). 'Savoring' is shown to be a transformative engagement with the inherited texts, leading to a keen sense of social and cultural responsibility. The fourth section draws in cross-cultural examples of the dimensions of humane learning from the U.S., Israel and India, with special attention to the teaching of biblical texts and cultural classics such as the writings of Shakespeare. From the perspective developed here, the Confucian classics have a special role to play for general education on Taiwan, not only as core curriculum of a particular culture, but also as providing the model and example of humane learning itself. The model is comparative in two ways. First, it highlights similar educational roles for scriptures and classics across differing cultures, both East and West. Second, it suggests the merits of studying scriptures and classics from other cultures and traditions as enrichment for humane learning in Taiwan and elsewhere today.
起訖頁 45-64
關鍵詞 humane learningConfuciancross-culturalcomparativeNeo-ConfucianSung dynastyeducationhumanitiesjenobjectivesubjectivecriticalconstructiverole of scriptures and classicsmodem WestShakespeareBiblereligious and cultural studies
刊名 中央大學人文學報  
期數 199812 (18期)
出版單位 國立中央大學出版中心
該期刊-上一篇 對話與社群:聖經及基督教經典教學與西方傳統
該期刊-下一篇 以釋義作為教學指引:朱蒂亞斯思想中的經典與釋義




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