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A Comparative Study of the Materials of Each Related Article on 'Chuang Tz' and 'Liu Sh Chuen Chiou'
作者 吳福相
The fables of 'Chuang Tz' and 'Liu Sh Chuen Chiou' are not formed articles separately yet. But they are mixed between proses for making examples, the ideas of which is easily accepted and done by people. What we called 'a simile or a metaphor' of Meng-Shyun's simple style is developing gradually to become individual articles which are the procedures of the 'fables' of the complicated style of Han-Fei. Today, we have an insight into the comparison of the fables' materials of these two books. As to myth, there are the differences of heterogeneity and historicity, revision and modification, mixture and criticism. With regard to the historical legend, the statements and adaptation, jeer and praise, quoting authorities and moral are different. In regard to folk stories, indirect reference and appropriation, fiction and quotation plus commentary are discriminated. Regarding the creation of the writer, weird, light-hearted mockery and austerity and matter-of-factness are differentiated. Since we realize that these two books have different materials and what the discrimination is. Thus, we are sure that we can clearly distinguish the discrepancy of the styles of these two books and make certain their merits and weak points.
起訖頁 27-64
關鍵詞 題材異質化歷史化改裝式讓段式融合式評論式神話傳說民間故事Materialsheterogeneityhistoricityrevisionmodificationmixturecriticismmythlegendfolk stories
刊名 中央大學人文學報  
期數 199806 (17期)
出版單位 國立中央大學出版中心
該期刊-下一篇 王世貞<史乘考誤>所論嘉、隆之際史事考釋




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