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Art History From a Feminist Perspective
作者 曾曬淑
以女性觀點研究美術史的目的在解放美術史著作的思考方式,使一向被遺忘、歧視的女性的藝術及女性的創作力重獲肯定。隨著六○年代末第二波婦女解放運動的發韌,女性自覺意識的逐步高升,女性對純粹由男性觀點所建構出的世界觀,及價值觀不斷提出質疑,批判父權體制對女性的宰制,尋求建立以女性為中心的思考方式。八○年代的女性研究(wornen's studies),更朝建立女性的文化傳統而努力。雖然婦運的訴求與活動在八○年代中期之後,除了生態保育及反核的事件外,不似之前那般明顯,但女性主義的思想卻已隨著婦運的推動,普遍為學術界所接受,在歐美的大專院校被講授。許多的學門,如社會科學中的人類學、心理學、社會學等等,均開闢女性研究,女性主義學者們得以藉此批判並重建各學科的女性論述。
Since early 1970's, there have been various confrontations and doubts about an feminist approach applied in the studies of art history. Even though it, like feminism, has not been completely accepted in a patriarchal society, the academic achievements of feminist art history are indelible: It emancipates from the androcentric ideology, establishes an actual discourse on feminist art history and makes it no longer a subordinate role to the traditional male-biased art history. Apart from the New Feminist Movement which inaugurated with the feminist art movement in the 70's, the researches of feminist art history are traced back to different ages in human civilization and reconstruct the lost history of women artists. Several important topics are in discussion, including the social resources for women artists, craft as art, female esthetics and female imagery. Besides, feminist art criticism is also discussed in this text for it, which serves both the functions of art history and art criticism, can fully reflect the development of feminist thoughts and schools. A feminist perspective cannot take place of the traditional methodology of art history. However, it can enlarge the vision for researchers to make analyses and interpretations. It also encourages one's judgmental thinking ability. In fact, most successful feminist art historians are capable of blending feminist perspectives well with traditional methodology of art history or other learning, such as deconstructionism, psychology, sociology, etc. Because of the involvement with gender consciousness, it is difficult that feminist studies of art history win tremendous praise from the general male. Only until the myth of sexism is totally eliminated will feminist perspective of art history be universally acknowledged.
起訖頁 81-121
刊名 中央大學人文學報  
期數 199706 (15期)
出版單位 國立中央大學出版中心
該期刊-上一篇 有關中國繪畫贊助的研究
該期刊-下一篇 老子管理哲學及其現代應用




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