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The Narrative Discourse and the Critical Consciousness of Symbolist Art--A Different way to Define Art Style
作者 李明明
The aim of this paper is to define the symbolist art at the end of nineteenth century through its subject matter and critical consciousness. The methodology used deffers from the traditional analysis which are based essentially upon the formal structures. By tracing the origins of symbolist art in the early forms of human expression (language, movement) as, for example, E. Cassirer and S. Langer have done in their works, we point out that the overwhelming domination of the positivism and the increasing emphasis on sciences and their impact on impressionism constitute the main causes of the plurality and the irrationalism found in art representations at the end of the nineteenth century. A further analysis will show how the reaction against the increasing materialism that predominated in the urban centers transform the art movement toward spiritual idealism as well as criticism. At the second part of the paper, we proceed to analyze through selected art works three features of their narrative contents: the fantastic microcosm, whereby art serves as a window open toward the spirit or nature, the synthetic idealism, which focuses on representation as communion of the senses, and the criticism of humanity, which focuses on the transience and impermanence of earthly desires. All these features represent ways to reach a profound dimension of interiority in art.
起訖頁 85-118
刊名 中央大學人文學報  
期數 199612 (14期)
出版單位 國立中央大學出版中心
該期刊-上一篇 從山林天籟、遊湖娛樂到悲歌懷古--西湖題詠詩在唐宋元時期發展的三個階段
該期刊-下一篇 赫德在中法越南衝突期間所扮演的外交角色(1883~1885)




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