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Review and Evaluation of Studies on Occupational Exposure among Emergency Staff in Taiwanese Hospitals
作者 林麗雅阮祺文 (Chi-Wen Juan)
由於工作的需求相不穩定的工作情況,台灣急診醫護人員經常面臨傳染性疾病、暴力和壓力的職業災害際曝露。儘管健康促進的概念已經在台灣的醫院裡被引用來提升醫護人員的職業健康,在“ 提升一個健康的工作場所"方面,目前的努力在工作場所危害的降低和工作環境的改善尚未被完全認同。一個綜合性的文獻回顧以提升台灣醫院工作場所健康和安全的知識,尤其是急診室是必須的。使用網上資料庫搜尋, 包括CINAHL、pubMed(MEDLINE)和Scopus搜尋在1995年至2014年之間中英文文獻。依據文獻相關的標題和摘要進行全文檢索。文獻回顧結果顯示多數的研究致力於探討急診醫護人員職業暴露危險因素和暴露後果的關係。針對於台灣急診醫護人員職業暴露的情況,可行性的介入措施和策路發展極少被研究。為提升台灣的急診醫護人員一個健康的工作場所,需要更多的努力投入在有效的介入措施和策略發展以實踐工作安全的理想,尤其在環境控制和組織管理的介入措施和策略發展更是必要的。
Taiwanese emergency workers frequently confront risks of occupational exposure to communicable diseases, violence, and stress due to the nature of the demand of their work and inconsistent working conditions. Although the concept of health promotion has been adopted in Taiwanese hospitals to improve occupational health among health care workers (HCWs), the aspect of “promoting a healthy workplace” has not been fully acknowledged as being significantly important in the reduction of workplace risk and improvement in working conditions. A comprehensive literature review was performed to improve knowledge of workplace health and safety particular in Taiwanese emergency departments (EDs). Search using online databases, including CINAHL, PubMed (MEDLINE) and Scopus was used to identify pertinent studies, written in English and Chinese between 1995 and 2014. The full-text was retrieved only from the literature with relevant title and abstract. The results show field interest in exploring the risk determinants and consequences in association with hazardous exposure, though to date, there is a paucity of research investigating feasible interventions in the Taiwan situation. It is essential for more attempts at effective interventions and strategies to address safe work practice, environmental control and organizational management to promote a healthy workplace for this group of workers. (J Med Health. 2016;5(1):1-12).
起訖頁 1-12
關鍵詞 台灣急診醫護人員職業暴露TaiwanEmergency workersOccupational exposure
刊名 醫學與健康期刊  
期數 201603 (5:1期)
出版單位 衛生福利部臺中醫院
該期刊-上一篇 罕見的醫源性器管支氣管內異物:呼吸道交換導管




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