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Global Health Security Agenda: An Opportunity to Expand Taiwan’s Participation in International Activities
作者 許瑜真陳毓翎郭旭崧張淑賢
美國在2014年2月,聯合世界衛生組織、世界動物衛生組織、聯合國農糧組織、歐盟及29個國家,發起「全球衛生安全綱領」之全球傳染病防治計畫,期藉由跨部門合作、強化衛生體系及凸顯國際組織角色與防疫一體的新概念,在既有全球衛生安全基礎架構上,透過預防-偵測-應變三主軸,十一項行動方案,加強國際合作,防範傳染病造成的全球衛生威脅,使全球儘速符合原本欲振乏力的「國際衛生條例(2005)」規範,並藉此深化世界動物衛生組織會員國落實「獸醫服務體系評估」規範,促進全球衛生安全。本文將就「全球衛生安全綱領」的行動方案逐項研析,並與「國際衛生條例(2005)」規範進行比較,期在「全球衛生安全綱領」架構下, 順利推展人醫與獸醫疫病防治合作計畫,建構防疫一體的傳染病防治體系;同時擴大臺灣之國際參與度,協助亞太區域提升疾病監測及應變能力,有效對抗各項新浮現疫病之挑戰與威脅。
In February 2014, the United States launched the Global Health Security Agenda (GHSA) in partnership with the World Health Organization (WHO), the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), and the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE) to bring together countries from all over the world to promote global health security as an international security priority, to prevent the occurrence of disease outbreaks, to detect possible threats early, and to respond to threats rapidly. These goals include the implementation of internationally agreed upon standards such as the WHO International Health Regulations (2005), the OIE Performance of Veterinary Services Pathway, and other global health security frameworks in order to ensure global health security. The current study separately analyzed different Action Packages outlined in GHSA with those of IHR (2005). Under the framework of GHSA, we aim to promote human medicine and veterinary collaboration efforts and construct a one health system for infectious disease control and prevention. Simultaneously, we wish to expand Taiwan’s participation in international cooperative efforts and assist our counterparts in the Asia Pacific region in their efforts to enhance their disease surveillance capabilities and core capacities to detect, assess, report, notify, verify and respond to the threats and challenges presented by emerging diseases.
起訖頁 17-26
關鍵詞 全球衛生安全綱領防疫一體國際衛生條例Global health security agendaOne healthInternational health regulations
刊名 醫學與健康期刊  
期數 201509 (4:2期)
出版單位 衛生福利部臺中醫院
該期刊-下一篇 探討轉化生長激素β對增加K他命潰瘍性膀胱炎大白鼠間質纖維化的角色




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