中文摘要 |
目的:全身震動訓練(Whole body vibration, WBV)是一種新興的運動訓練,並已經廣泛的運用於運動員與一般的健康族群,目的用於增加肌肉力量,內分泌系統表現與身體氧氣的攝取。本篇前驅研究的目的為探討全身震動訓練對肥胖者心血管表現的影響。方法:二十位受試者(肥胖組:10位肥胖者,身體質量指數(Body Mass Index, BMI)≧ 27;對照組:10位正常體重者,BMI<27)接受全身震動訓練(LV-1000, X-trend, Taiwan),每次五分鐘每周三次並持續一個月,震動訓練頻率(Frequency):20Hz並採固定震幅(Amplitude):4mm,量測參數藉由血氧測量儀(NPS-40, Ireland)與血壓計(TERUMO, ES-P110, Japan)量測訓練前後血壓、血氧與休息心率指數表現。結果:肥胖組收縮壓與休息心率皆有下降之表現(p<0.05),正常體重者無此現象。結論:全身震動訓練,對肥胖者收縮壓與休息心率皆有影響,是一種有效旦方便改善肥胖者之心血管表現之運動訓練。 |
英文摘要 |
Objectives. Whole body vibration (WBV) training is a novel exercise intervention, which is applied in athletics and general populations with the aim of enhancing muscle activity, endocrine system responses, and body oxygen uptake. This pilot study sought to discover the effect of whole body vibration in cardiovascular performance. Methods. Twenty subjects(ten obesity, Body Mass Index: BMI≧27; ten normal weight, BMI< 27)were assigned to receive WBV(LV-1000, X-trend, Taiwan) five minutes a day three days a week for one month. The training session used a vibrating plate producing oscillation at 20Hz with constant amplitude(4mm). APulse Oxi-meter(NPS-40, Ireland) and Sphygmomanometer(TERUMO, ES-P110, Japan) were used to measure the blood pressure, resting heart rate, and 02 saturation. All the parameters were measured before and after the WBV training. Results. WBV training in obesity was shown to significantly decrease systolic pressure 6.57%(p< 0.05) and decrease resting heart rate by 9.19%(p< 0.05). Normal weight subjects did not have any significant change. Conclusion. WBV training can improve systolic pressure and resting heart rate in obese people. WBV training is a convenient and effective way of improving the cardiovascular responses in obese patients. |