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The Formation of Literary Image: Translation of George Eliot in Taiwan
作者 彭健銘
本研究旨在探討英國作家喬治.艾略特(George Eliot, 1819-1880)及其文學作品在台灣的中文譯介/重寫過程,探討該作家及其著作在目標語文化的多元系統(the polysystem)內的翻譯文學系統(the system of translational literature)的形象,並透過歷時性的分析,說明譯介/重寫在形塑作家形象的過程中所發揮的作用。本研究擬分成三部分:第一部分介紹喬治‧艾略特的小說作品及寫作風格;第二部分描述喬治.艾略特在目標語文化的翻譯文學系統內的形象;第三部分說明喬治.艾略特在翻譯文學系統外的形象;最後探討譯介/重寫活動對作家的文學形象的影響。本研究試圖重建作家及其作品的譯介/重寫過程,以說明其在目標語文化的翻譯文學系統的形象,突顯系統內的專業人士(文學教師、評論家與譯者)及系統外的贊助者(出版商)的文本選擇、翻譯策略、準文本(paratext)的圖樣設計等,對作家形象的塑造有關鍵的作用。
This research aims at discussing the medio-translating or rewriting process of George Eliot and her literary works in Taiwan. It also explores in terms of the system of translational literature the images the author and her works project on the polysystem in the culture of target language. It intends with a diachronic explaination to analyze the effects of medio-translating and rewriting on author's image formation. This research contains three parts: the first part introduces her novels and writing styles; the second part describes the images George Eliot formulates within the system of translational literature in the culture of target language; the third part explains the images George Eliot creates outside the system of translational literature; the last part discusses the influences of medio-translating or rewriting on the author's literary images. This research attempts to reconstruct the medio-translating or rewriting process of the author and her works with a view to explaining her images in the system of translational literature within the culture of target language. It highlights the effects of texts, translating strategies and the graphic designs of the paratexts selected by professionals within the literary system, i.e. teachers of literature, critics and translators, and patrons outside the system, on the formation of author's literary images.
起訖頁 153-192
關鍵詞 文學形象喬治.艾略特譯介重寫literary imagesGeorge Eliotmedio-translatingrewriting
刊名 彰化師大文學院學報  
期數 201503 (11期)
出版單位 國立彰化師範大學文學院
該期刊-上一篇 李塨之師從交遊與其學術轉向




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