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Let's 'Read Their Lips'!: An Empirical Study Probing the Effects of Adopting Shadowing in an EFL Classroom
作者 高士凡
本論文的主要目的在檢試課堂上使用跟述方法來增進英語聽說能力的效果,並了解學生對於跟述教學的反應與態度。二十八位時為一私立科技大學應英系一年級的學生參與本研究,參與者的英文程度為中初級至中級,他們接受為期一學年的跟述練習(每週二十分鐘)。參與者在跟述教學的開始前及結束後均接受多益聽說測驗。在資料分析方面,成對樣本t檢定來檢測前測與後測的帄均數是否有統計上顯著的不同。此外,如帄均數達統計上的顯著不同,規模效應值(eta squared)也用來進一步檢定跟述教學與後測進步成績之間的關聯強度,及進步成績有多少的變異量可由跟述教學來解釋。二十八參與者也個別接受一次訪談以了解他們對跟述教學的態度及看法。統計結果顯示出:在經過一年的跟述教學後,二十八參與者在英語聽說能力均有顯著的進步;規模效應值也顯出跟述教學對此顯著的進步有重大的影響。另外,訪談的質性資料也顯示參與者在語言上的進步、動機興趣的提升、英語學習的改變三方面均表達他們對跟述教學的正面態度與想法。因此,本論文的結果指出:跟述教學是有效的英語習得方法,能提供大量的語言輸入和口說機會。最後,本論文也探討研究結果可給予的教學啟示,作者本身對跟述教學的觀點,和研究本身的限制。
This study probed into the effects of shadowing on students' listening comprehension, speaking proficiency and their response to and attitudes towards the skill. Subjects consist of 28 freshman students from a private technical college with lower intermediate to intermediate level of English proficiency and the participants are given a weekly 20-minute lecture for two semesters. All participants took a TOEIC test on the listening and speaking sections before and after the experiment. Paired-samples t-test was conducted to check the statistical significance in the participants' pre and post mean scores. In addition, if the mean scores reach statistical significance, the eta squared may suggest the correlation between shadowing and post test, and shadowing skill can further explain the measures of variance in the scores. Individual interviews were conducted to survey participants' attitudes towards shadowing. After one-year shadowing lecture the results indicate that 28 participants have shown significant improvements in their listening comprehension and speaking proficiency. The eta squared also suggests that shadowing has significant effect on the improvements. Moreover, the qualitative findings also indicate that the participants hold more positive attitudes towards shadowing lecture in terms of language improvements, motivation to learn, and changes in English learning. As a result, the findings suggest that shadowing is an effective method to provide EFL learners with enormous amount of language input and opportunities for spoken English. The paper concludes with discussions of the pedagogical implications of the research findings, author's views on the shadowing and the limitations of the study.
起訖頁 117-141
關鍵詞 跟述英語聽力英語口語能力英語為外國語言口譯Shadowinglistening comprehensionspeaking proficiencyEFLinterpretation
刊名 彰化師大文學院學報  
期數 201309 (8期)
出版單位 國立彰化師範大學文學院
該期刊-上一篇 《蜜蜂的故事》與《侈糜》之比較政治經濟分析
該期刊-下一篇 奈及利亞流行音樂中的暴力問題研究




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