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彰化師大文學院學報 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

Factors Affecting College EFL Learners' Listening Comprehension and Listening Problems
作者 趙玉芝
為提升大學生英文能力、加強競爭力,台灣各大專院校為學生訂定英文能力檢定畢業門檻。本研究目的在於調查不同學院大學生的英語聽力理解與聽力困難。研究對象為68位來自二個學院的大一學生,其中包含37位來自技職學院及31位教育學院的學生。研究工具包括全民英檢中級聽力測驗、以及聽力困難問卷。問卷資料以SPSS 20.0版進行描述性統計與t 檢定分析。研究結果顯示,第一,有六成二的大一學生仍無法通過全民英檢中級聽力及格門檻。教育學院通過比率較高,技職學院通過比率低。第二,對大一學生而言,最主要的聽力困難是聽力內容,其次是聽者個人因素、聽力任務、聽力過程、情意因素及情境因素。第三,除了聽力任務之外,不同學院學生在聽者個人、考題題型、聽力過程、情意因素、情境因素皆有顯著差異。技職教育學院學生比教育學院學生遇到更多聽力困難。此外,教育學院學生表示造成其聽力困難的主因為遇到生字就容易忘記所聽內容、不熟悉的音調、發音不清楚、不知用甚麼策略等,技職學院學生聽力困難的主因為思考不熟悉的字、無法立刻想出意思、內容太長、生字太多、速度太快等。最後,本論文針對大學英語教學上之應用、本研究的限制以及未來相關研究提供進一步建議。
Listening comprehension plays a pivotal role in effective communication in spoken language in the global village. However, comprehending English speech is not an easy task for EFL learners in Taiwan. This study aimed to investigate non-English majors' English listening performance and listening problems. Seventy-five college students participated in the study. At last, sixty-eight valid data were used in this study. The instruments comprised of a General English Proficiency Test (GEPT) at the intermediate level and a Listening Comprehension Problem Questionnaire (LCPQ). The results showed that, first, most of the subjects (62%) did not reach the passing score of intermediate level. The subjects generally performed better on the subcategory of Part A followed by Part B, and Part C ranked the lowest of the GEPT listening test. Second, the listening problems met by the subjects were mainly from the input factor, followed by the listener factor and the task factor. Most frequently encountered listening problems included easily forgetting the content, long listening texts, not knowing which strategy to use, unclear pronunciation, and unfamiliar intonation patterns. Third, there was strong relationship between listening problems and listening proficiency. The proficient listeners identified their main problem as easily forgetting the content when hearing new words as the foremost problem. The less proficient listeners identified difficulty to focus on the text while having trouble understanding as the major obstacle. Finally, significant differences existed in listening problems encountered by students from different colleges. Conclusions and pedagogical implications of listening instruction were provided at the end of the paper.
起訖頁 73-87
關鍵詞 英語聽力理解聽力困難大學生listening comprehensionlistening problemsGEPT listening testcollege student
刊名 彰化師大文學院學報  
期數 201309 (8期)
出版單位 國立彰化師範大學文學院
該期刊-上一篇 金源全真教(含王重陽與全真七子)入聲詞用韻之研究
該期刊-下一篇 《世說》學的擬構者:劉強《世說學引論》述評




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