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Supplementary Annotations on Guoyu Ji Zheng (Zhou Yu Volume 1 and 2 by Yi-ren Zhang)
作者 郭萬青
在20世紀的《國語》研究甚至整個《國語》研究史上,張以仁先生都當佔有很重要的位置。張以仁先生在《國語》研究的多個方面如《國語》版本、《國語》異文考訂、《國語》語詞訓詁、《國語》虛詞研究、《國語》韋注研究、《國語》舊注輯佚、《國語》性質、《國語》與《左傳》的關係、《國語》史學等方面均有相關論述,既能總結前脩,又能開啟新路,尤其《國語虛詞集釋》是20 世紀專書語言研究中較早之著作,且為專書虛詞研究提供更為科學之研究範式與理論方法。其所撰作《國語集證》當是其《國語》研究的最終總結成果。今審張以仁《國語集證》(《周語》上、中二卷),輯合古今中外《國語》研究以及與《國語》相關的研究成果,於《國語》之文字考校、語詞訓詁、地理沿革、制度考訂以及史實證據等多個方面總結前人,按以己意,洵為《國語》研究之集大成者。然檢尋之下,其中條目仍有有可商者,或屬字誤,或其釋義可商,或其定音之未準,或其有未備,擷得42條,略為之辨,以有益于張氏《國語》研究著述之深入研讀與《國語》之研究云。
Yi-ren Zhang, the author of Guoyu Ji Zheng, occupies a prominent position in the studies of Guoyu in the twentieth century. His works include Guoyu edition, Guoyu variants proofreading, Guoyu semantics, Guoyu function words studies, Guoyu uei zhu, Guoyu collection of the lost writings, the nature of Guoyu, the relationship between Guoyu and Zuo Zhuan and the history of Guoyu. He always continues the tradition and open up new chapters. Guoyu Function Words Collection and Interpretation is a language study work in the early 20th century and it provides research examples and theoretical methods for function words. Guoyu Ji Zheng is his definitive work on Guoyu study. After comparing Guoyu Ji Zheng (which includes Zhou Yu volume 1 and 2) with other Guoyu literatures both home and abroad, Guoyu Ji Zheng proves to be the most comprehensive Guoyu studies in terms of its lexical proofreading, semantics, geography and evolution, system establishment and historical facts. However, under close scrutiny 42 entries are found to be arguable, misprints, annotations open to discussion, mispronounced and other minor shortcomings. As a result, this paper would be of benefit to further study Zhang's Guoyu and its related writings.
起訖頁 95-117
關鍵詞 張以仁國語集證補箋Yi-ren ZhangGuoyu Ji Zhengcollated notes
刊名 彰化師大文學院學報  
期數 201209 (6期)
出版單位 國立彰化師範大學文學院
該期刊-上一篇 顧客權益忠誠度模式在博物館行銷之驗證──以國立自然科學博物館為例
該期刊-下一篇 被殖民者的自傳──論鍾肇政《濁流三部曲》




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