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From Behavioral Performance to Psychological Performance-Analysis of the Management of Plots in Xining Zhu's Novels in 1963-1979(His Early and Middle Stages) of Writing
作者 張瀛太
The purpose of this paper is to analyze Xining Zhu's novels, with emphasis on the methodology and effects of the embedded narration, to understand where the superiority of his works is from, and the inclinations of his narrations of different stages in his life time, and his aesthetic attributes as well.Novels in Zhu's earlier period emphasized plots、conflicts、symbolic meaning of scenic objects and visual scenes to create characters like those who fought with the fate in Greek tragedies. Through creating complex and difficult fights, Zhu's fictions gave readers a very touching reading experience. This is what Ailing Chang described as the beauty of solemn and desolation. During the middle period of Zhu's career, most of his novels focused neither on twisting plots nor conflicts. The fictional presentations during this period revealed lingering emotions created by psychological activities and inner emotions. His work in this period showed the beauty of grace and obscured beauty. Zhu used a ”simple” writing craftsmanship in his later works. His works also shifted from artistic focus to moral focus. He replaced the truth and beauty of the format with the virtue in the content.
起訖頁 57-80
關鍵詞 朱西甯美感屬性情節寫作技巧審美藝術效果Xining ZhuAesthetic attributesPlotsWriting SkillsAestheticArtistic effect
刊名 彰化師大國文學誌  
期數 200912 (19期)
出版單位 國立彰化師範大學國文學系
該期刊-上一篇 記敘文的寫真賞析示例--以〈不食嗟來之食〉、〈馮燕傳〉、〈報劉一丈書〉與〈青番公的故事〉為例
該期刊-下一篇 道德生命的實踐者--吳與弼的學行




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