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澄清醫護管理雜誌 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

The Impact of Quarantine Measures on Cases and Households During the H1N1 Pandemic
作者 彭逸稘田沁潔彭婉聿李茹萍
目的: 2009年4月新型流感疫情入侵校園,為防堵疫 情擴散全國進行檢疫居家隔離措施,然而學生返校 後訴說隔離期間曾受到他人歧視、孤立、感到害怕 等情形,因此本研究目的在探討罹患新型流感病毒 個案接受居家隔離治療之衝擊。 方法: 採質性研究法,於2010年1月至12月,以北部 某專科學校學生經臨床醫師確診為罹患新型流感病 毒陽性、接受居家隔離之個案為研究對象,於隔離 結束返校後採半結構式問卷訪問10位個案,並以深 度訪談進行資料收集,逐一做內容分析及歸納。 結果: 個案在獲得感染時即刻出現發燒、喉嚨痛、咳 嗽等生理衝擊,在居家隔離期間曾受到親友當面排 斥、污名化,因此感到緊張、害怕、哭泣、心情差 等心理衝擊;返校後即刻感受到同儕不友善的眼光 及對待,並擔心課業及返校後人際關係改變。原本 生活經濟不佳個案,因居家隔離期間無法工作,造 成生活上的困難,更害怕再次感染而失業。 結論: 罹患新型流感病毒個案在接受居家隔離後,容 易有負向的生理及心理衝擊,期望本研究結果可作 為未來照護居家隔離個案之參考。
Purposes: The epidemiological investigation of an outbreak of pandemic influenza A (H1N1) in 2009 in a boarding school. Quarantine measures are one of the most important government policies for H1N1 pandemic prevention. The students at the school were overwhelmed by several comprehensive psychological impacts, including the feelings of stigmatization, isolation and fear. The purpose of this study was to explore the household impact on cases during the pandemic. Methods: We conducted a phenomenological, qualitative study using semi-structured face-to face interviews during the pandemic influenza outbreak in Taiwan during January through December, 2010. 10 students with fever who were household quarantined for five days were recruited into this study. Results: The top three physical impacts reported were fever, sore throat and cough. Data analysis using Collaizi's nine steps revealed that the leading psychological impacts reported were the fear of people rejecting them, nervousness, fear, crying, feeling down, unfriendliness, and worries about interpersonal relationship changes. In addition, the major obstacles to compliance for those asked to enter quarantine include loss of income during quarantine and the fear of loss of employment after quarantine. More than half of the students felt stigmatized, and these students tended to have other negative psychological experiences. Conclusions: The impact of the novel H1N1 influenza virus included not only physical illness but also mental and psychological suffering.
起訖頁 17-21
關鍵詞 新型流感病毒居家隔離防疫隔離衝擊H1N1New influenza virusHousehold QuarantinedQuarantineImpactH1N1
刊名 澄清醫護管理雜誌  
期數 201610 (12:4期)
出版單位 財團法人澄清基金會
該期刊-上一篇 血小板體積參數於高血脂成人的評估以及與血脂比值的相關性
該期刊-下一篇 從醫護人員的觀點探究影響病人安全文化狀態之重要影響因子──以中部某區域級教學醫院為例




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