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2015 收容少年之非法藥物使用調查研究-以新北市、台中市、高雄市為例
An Investigation of Illicit Drug Using among Juvenile Inmates in New Taipei City, Taichung and Kaohsiung
作者 楊士隆戴伸峰曾淑萍顧以謙張梵盂
為有效掌握收容青少年藥物濫用流行病學特性,以瞭解藥物濫用之特性與差異,俾利建立符合我國高風險青少年特性之藥物濫用防制策略,本研究針對收容少年之非法藥物使用進行盛行率調查研究。 本研究透過立意抽樣方法,於2014年11月至2015年3月間,針對新北市、台中市、高雄市的觀護所之收容少年進行調查,共回收有效樣本147份。研究結果指出,收容少年樣本多為男性(128人,87.1%)、介於12歲到21歲之間,其中18歲之少年計有54人(37.2%);學歷以國中54人為最多(37.5 %)。入所案由部分,以違反毒品危害防制條例為最大宗,共計有54人(36.7%)。在持有毒品經驗方面, 63.9%之收容少年至少持有過一種毒品,而其中最多人持有之毒品為愷他命,計有87人(59.6%),其次為持有安非他命者61人(41.5 %),第三為持有咖啡奶茶(袋裝混合新興毒品)者55人(37.4 %),第四則是持有搖頭丸者45人(30.6%)。此外,64.6%收容少年至少使用過一種毒品,而其中最多人使用之毒品為愷他命,計有90人(61.2%),其次為使用安非他命者56人(38.1%),第三為使用咖啡奶茶者53人(36.1%),第四則是使用搖頭丸者44人(29.9%)。在價格方面,研究發現價格離散程度大,但從集中趨勢觀察之,安非他命一份多為3000元以下(80%)、搖頭丸單份為1000元以下(80%)、喵喵每份為1000元以下(83.3%)、愷他命一份為3500以下(80%)。本研究建議可以本次調查所建立之模式作為台灣青少年毒品監測系統建立之參考,並建立長期的監測調查模式。再者,建議政府注意青少年之身心發展與健康,預防其染上不良的生活習慣。第三,建議政府研議妥適對策因應愷他命之流行趨勢,以減少其危害,並在兼顧隱私、個資等人權保障下,研議因應青少年運用通訊軟體進行毒品交易之對策,阻絕其發展。
In order to effectively know the epidemiological characteristics of juvenile drug use and to establish related control strategies, the study aimed to investigate the prevalence of illicit drug use among Juvenile Inmates. The study utilized purposive sampling and surveyed juvenile inmates of Juvenile Detention Houses in New Taipei City, Taichung and Kaohsiung from November 2014 to March 2015. In total, 147 valid questionnaires were collected. The results indicate that majority of juvenile inmate sample is male (128 persons, 87.1 %), 54 persons are 18 years old (37.2%), and 54 persons have middle school educational background (37.2%).Most of the respondents are detained due to offenses related to the Violation of the Narcotics Endangerment Prevention Act (54 people, 36.7%). Regarding substance abuse, findings show that 63.9% of juvenile inmates had held at least one type of drugs. Ketamine is the most popular drug that those juvenile inmates hold (87 persons, 59.6%), followed by Amphetamine (alpha-methyl-phenethylamine, 61 persons, 41.5%), Mephedrone (53 persons, 36.1%), and ecstasy (MDMA, 45 persons, 30.6%). Furthermore, 64.6% of respondents had used at least one type of drugs. Especially, Ketamine is the most widely used drug (90 persons, 61.2%)followed by Amphetamine (56persons, 38.1%), Mephedrone (53 person, 36.1%), and ecstasy (MDMA, 44 persons, 29.9%). In terms of drug price, large price dispersion is observed in the study. For example, Amphetamine costs less than NT $ 3,000 (80%) per serving, ecstasy (MDMA) costs less than NT $ 1,000 (80%) per serving, Mephedrone costs less than NT $ 1,000 (83.3%) per serving, and Ketamine costs less than NT $ 3,500 (80%) per serving. We suggest that, based on the method and monitoring pattern utilized in this study, a long-term drug-use monitoring system for adolescents should be established in Taiwan. Moreover, the physical and mental development of youths and preventing them from learning unhealthy habits deserves more attention from the government and public. Finally, the Government must formulate suitable countermeasures for dealing with the Ketamine using tendency among youths. Taking protection of both privacy and human rights into consideration, countermeasures against the trend of drug dealing through the message software should be discussed and established.
起訖頁 162-225
關鍵詞 藥物濫用監測非法藥物使用收容少年非法藥物使用盛行率drug-use monitoringillicit drug usejuvenile inmateprevalence of illicit drug use
刊名 青少年犯罪防治研究期刊  
期數 201512 (7:2期)
出版單位 臺灣青少年犯罪防治研究學會
該期刊-上一篇 引起注意型霸凌行為的形成與戒除歷程探究




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