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The Research on How Internet addiction affecting UniVersity Students'Daily lives- A Case Study of One University in Taiwan
作者 王伯順劉育偉梁心禎許華孚
The Research based upon a qualitative research method withinterviewing four students aims to explore how internet addictionactually affect university students’ daily lives. The researchmethod combines narrative orientation and theme connectionstrategy in order to understand the influence of internet addictionunon University students. The main findings are as follows:1. The factors of internet addiction can be summarized as: theirboredom, the sense of achievement, intellectual curiosity andfreshness.2. The promoting factors of internet addiction can besummarized as: Internet break zone and time constraints, andquick links of information, anonymous safety space, cheap cost,and fast and constantly update information.3. The impacts of Internet addiction upon university students canbe summarized as: the ways of communication having greatlybeen changed, housework being delayed, reverse the biologicalclock being reversed as well as academic learning qualitybecoming poor.The factors of internt addiction affecting university studentscan be divided into the aspects of individual, family, peer andschool. The recommendations of this research are suggested asfollows: First, in the personal aspect, it is suggested that university students are better to be back to normal lifestyle, tolearn or develop other skills. On the other hand, it is suggestedthat universities can provide alternative leisure activities.Secondly, in the aspect of family, it is suggested that parents cancontinue concerning and encouraging their children. Also, parentsneed to be capable of basic internet knowledge. Thridly, in theaspect of peer: it is suggested that peers can encourage each otherand have more outdoor activitiesFinally, in tha apect of school, it is suggested that universitycan plan thematic general education courses and encouragestudents to engage in various club activities
起訖頁 37-89
關鍵詞 網路沉迷大學生質性研究Internet addictionUniversity StudentsQualitative Method
刊名 青少年犯罪防治研究期刊  
期數 201506 (7:1期)
出版單位 臺灣青少年犯罪防治研究學會
該期刊-上一篇 教保人員學齡前性侵害預防認知之探究
該期刊-下一篇 依附、參與、抱負、信念與青少年學業適應問題關係之研究──社會控制理論的再檢視




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