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The Exploratory Research of Community Identity and Soundscape Map: A Case Study of Taomi Community
作者 許肄亞郭乃文
長久以來我們習慣以視覺來認識一個環境,像是以 101 大樓作為視覺上指標性的地標。在視覺為主動的環境底下,聲音常是認知空間中的次要角色,這使我們忽略了地方聲音獨特的特性。「聲景」一詞在1970 年代由加拿大學者Murray Schafer 提出,此後有關聲景的研究在學界中快速發展。聲音並非只有噪音與樂音,每個聲音都有其獨特的個性,並有其時空背景,在與人和地的交互作用下形成聲景,聲景也就提供成為我們認識一個地方的新視角。本研究選擇南投縣桃米社區作為研究案例,透過實地田野調查研究,繪製桃米社區聲景地圖,同時利用居民心中的聲音地景知覺來探討居民對於這個社區空間的認同。本研究以問卷調查法與訪談法進行田野資料蒐集,以定性分析法結合文獻回顧分析,製作出桃米社區的聲景地圖;再依據社區聲景地點與社區認同問卷調查結果比對,探討社區聲景與社區認同之關係,用地理學的角度探討「聲音」空間對於居民地方認同之影響。透過聲景的田野調查與空間分析,本研究發現桃米社區聲景的時空變遷,與其社區發展有密切的關聯,是地方發展的隱形軸線,雖然不顯著但也是另一種記錄地方發展與變遷的形式。如此,可突顯聲景在地理學空間研究的可發展性,一改過去僅從「可視」空間的探討侷限,拓展至「可聽」空間的探索與分析。
We observe the environment through our sense of sight; for example, we always regard Taipei 101 as a landmark in vision. In an environment, the sense of sight is the most important, with the auditory sense often being regarded as secondary, making us always ignore the unique features of the local soundscape. The concept of “soundscape” was first proposed by Canadian scholar Murray Schafer in 1970s, and then the research concerned the soundscape grew rapidly. Sounds should not just be divided into noise and music; in contrast, every sound has its characteristic and its special time and space background. When sound interacts with land and people; the soundscape then takes form, and it provides a new perspective to know a place. Taomi Community in Nantou County was selected as a case study in this exploratory research to examine the relationship between the soundscape and community identity. First, a community soundscape map will be produced through fieldwork and survey to recognize what soundscape the residents perceive. In addition, the questionnaire survey and deep interview method were used to collect the opinions from residents, to figure out the community identity of the residents. Based on the quantitative and qualitative results, the relationship between local sound and community identity was discussed; and this new approach discussed the influence of residents' local identity on the 'sound' space from the perspective of geography. According to the results, the temporal and spatial changes of the community soundscape map of Taomi are closely related to the development of the community; hence, the community soundscape map is the invisible axis of local development. In addition, the residents with higher community identity will perceive more kinds of sounds and have a positive attitude to the local sound. The research concerned with the community soundscape can be highlighted in the spatial study of geography, and the analysis will be extended to the 'audible' space.
起訖頁 81-107
關鍵詞 聲音地景聲景地圖社區認同soundscapesoundscape mapcommunity identity
刊名 地理研究  
期數 201711 (67期)
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學地理學系
該期刊-上一篇 斐濟的台灣鮪漁業:與PAFCO罐頭廠的連結
該期刊-下一篇 日本時代到戰後官方政治意識形態對臺灣鄉鎮基層社會地名命名的影響:以苗栗縣頭份、三灣為例




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