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From Unification-Independence Divide to the China Factor: How Changing Political Identity Influences Voting Behavior
作者 吳介民廖美
The “China factor” has increasingly penetrated Taiwan’s electoral politics and is complicating the role that “national identity cleavage” has conventionally played in Taiwan. The China factor may have also caused a change in Taiwan’s “unification-independence cognitive map” through its influence on politics, economy, news media and cultural sphere. Using the survey data collected by the China Impact Studies Group of the Academia Sinica, this paper found that in the presidential election in 2012, the “China factor” variables are likely replacing the function of “national identity” variables in a variety of contexts. We attempt to provide a preliminary analytical framework to explore the significance of the findings and attempt to substantiate the proposition that trade and economic dependence is the key factor in a regional power’s ability to influence the domestic politics of a small country. We found that the Chinese government indeed leveraged Taiwan’s trade and economic dependence to intervene in Taiwanese elections, and the China factor has indirectly led to a number of subtle effects on Taiwanese voters’ cognition of national identity. In addition, there has emerged a new class politics in Taiwan in recent years. However, we found that “class voting” is not significant. This finding differs from other findings in the current literature on class politics and deserves further exploration.
起訖頁 89-132
關鍵詞 中國因素九二共識經貿依賴投票行為國家認同China Factor1992 Consensustrade dependencevoting behaviornational identity
刊名 臺灣社會學  
期數 201506 (29期)
出版單位 中央研究院社會學研究所
該期刊-上一篇 台灣製造業廠商人才培訓的制度分析:以高科技業為主
該期刊-下一篇 超越「加害人」的觀點:婚暴處遇男性的建制民族誌分析




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