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Institutionalizing White-Terror Traumatic Memories in Taiwan: An Historical Institutionalism Perspective
作者 葉虹靈
According to declassified archives and recent research, most of the political persecution during the decades of Martial Law accounts for cases related to clandestine organization of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), rather than the “ones involving unjust, false and wrong charges.” This has been challenging a common belief among critics of the KMT government to weaken the legitimacy of the authoritarian regime for a long time. Why had not the National Human Rights Museum (NHRM) under the KMTruling government become the field of struggle of ideology and national identity? In this study, the perspective of historical institutionalism, particularly the concept of path dependence, is used to explain the institutionalization of the white-terror traumatic memory in Taiwan to answer the above questions. This article not only provides a pilot study of NHRM, but also helps to fill the gap of previous traumatic memory studies, which have largely relied on narrative or text analysis. I suggest that the organizational logic and production of the narrative of the museum are embedded within modern political circumstances. Any attempt to explain the narrative variations of the NHRM must take into account the issue of institution and bureaucracy. While tracing back to how the DPP-ruling government created the Human Rights Park (the predecessor of the NHRM) under the wave of privatization, I show how the policy choice in the 2000s restricted the subsequent process of the NHRM's establishment. The policy network shaped within the institution enables the private sector to participate in the narrative construction of NHRM. As a result, the mainstream view of their assertion of “unjust cases” assimilates the various types of memory.
起訖頁 1-42
關鍵詞 集體記憶白色恐怖人權博物館路徑依賴歷史制度論collective memorywhite terrorNational Human Rights Museumpath dependencehistorical institutionalism
刊名 臺灣社會學  
期數 201506 (29期)
出版單位 中央研究院社會學研究所
該期刊-下一篇 台灣製造業廠商人才培訓的制度分析:以高科技業為主




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