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The Development and Influence of Theravada Buddhism in Taiwan: A Globalization Perspective
作者 陳家倫
Globalization has been a visible factor in Taiwan's religious changes. There is little research, however, on the relationship between globalization and the changes of Taiwanese Buddhism. Based on the globalization perspective, this paper investigates Theravada Buddhism, including its introduction, its development in Taiwan, and its influence on Taiwanese Buddhism. This paper proposes an analytical framework and identifies four types of groups that are related to Theravada Buddhism: Theravada Buddhist centers in Taiwan, the Insight Meditation Movement, the Original Buddhist Movement, and some Chinese Buddhist groups that have adopted Theravada Buddhism selectively. Among these groups, there are variations in routes of introduction, ways of practice, positions of Buddhist identity, characteristics of participants, and types of movements. The diversities among these groups demonstrate the multiplicity and complexity of the development of Theravada Buddhism in Taiwan. This paper finds that the import of Theravada Buddhism initiated by the needs of Taiwanese elites weighs more heavily than that introduced by Southeast Asian immigrants, foreign workers or missionaries of Theravada Buddhism. Further, the selected or transformed Theravada Buddhism is more popular than the original or full-scale Theravada Buddhism. I also find that most foreign Theravada Buddhist monks have adjusted their ways of everyday life and dharma preaching in Taiwan. In sum, the influence of Theravada Buddhism on Taiwanese Buddhism is multifaceted, increasing the pluralism and competition among Buddhist groups, offering more alternatives of Buddhist identities and selection, stimulating the innovation of Chinese Buddhism in Taiwan, and enhancing the globality of Taiwanese Buddhism.
起訖頁 155-206
關鍵詞 全球化台灣佛教南傳佛教原始佛教內觀globalizationTaiwanese BuddhismTheravada BuddhismOriginal BuddhismVipassana.
刊名 臺灣社會學  
期數 201212 (24期)
出版單位 中央研究院社會學研究所
該期刊-上一篇 助人專業與多元情緒勞動:社工員與常民助人者服務外籍配偶的比較研究
該期刊-下一篇 Comparing Organized Labor, Comparing Korea and Taiwan




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