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Anything but Online? The Digital Divide and Social Consequences of Internet Use in Taiwan
作者 林宗弘
The article examines the relationship between Internet use and social networks as well as social inequality in Taiwan. I divide the literature into three approaches: Cyber-utopian, Cyber-dystopian (control theory), and skeptical (social-shaping aspect) and illustrate their different hypotheses regarding social inequality, social networks, political behavior, and collective action. The Cyber-utopian approach claims that the diffusion of Internet use reduces information cost, equalizes market opportunity, and increases social capital, but the Cyber-dystopian approach claims that Internet use empowered ordinary political and economic elites. Both approaches focus on the social impacts of Internet use and imply technological determinism, while the skeptical approach focuses on the social inequality of Internet use, especially on the digital divide. According to a national survey (TSCS) conducted in Taiwan during the 2000-2010 period, I investigate hypotheses derived from the three approaches. The empirical findings confirm that inequalities still created digital divides of Internet use, but the effect of average time online per day is insignificant or ambiguous on the size of social network, income distribution, voting behavior, and participation in social movements. In sum, most empirical results support the skeptical approach rather than the two forms of technological determinism.
起訖頁 55-97
關鍵詞 網際網路數位落差社會網絡所得不平等社會運動Internetdigital dividesocial networkincome inequalitysocial movement
刊名 臺灣社會學  
期數 201212 (24期)
出版單位 中央研究院社會學研究所
該期刊-上一篇 醫療化理論的後進國批判:以台灣慢性腎病治理的知識、專業與體制轉變為例
該期刊-下一篇 助人專業與多元情緒勞動:社工員與常民助人者服務外籍配偶的比較研究




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