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Sub-nationalization of Social Protection: The Spatial- Politics Transformation of Social Citizenship in China
作者 施世駿
The pace of welfare reform has accelerated in China since the 1990s. A closer look at current literature on Chinese social welfare reveals that it still lags far behind the progress of fast-changing welfare institutions and policies; and an adequate theoretical account to accommodate these institutional changes is still lacking. Departing from this observation, this article has two purposes: First, it identifies the limits of current literature on Chinese social welfare and social citizenship and proposes a perspective that emphasizes the spatial dimension of social citizenship to interpret ongoing welfare reforms as a result of the loosening Hukou system in China. An increasingly blurred boundary between 'urban' and 'rural' has given way to a new parting line, 'within/without,' which demarcates the scope and extent of social citizenship within a region. In this process, local governments (especially provincial governments) have become an emerging administrative body setting the new demarcation line of social citizenship. Second, this article identifies the trend towards a subnationalization of social protection, which implies that local governments play an increasingly important role in the institutional design and innovation of social security. I use the example of local governments' pension insurance policy experiments to illustrate changes set in motion by these rising local policy innovations in terms of their influence on social policy-making at the national level. As a whole, the ongoing subnationalization of social protection is transforming the spatial politics of social welfare, which has profound implications for the development of social citizenship in contemporary China.
起訖頁 43-93
關鍵詞 中國大陸社會保障社會公民權空間政治social securitysocial citizenshipspatial politicsChina
刊名 臺灣社會學  
期數 200912 (18期)
出版單位 中央研究院社會學研究所
該期刊-上一篇 中國都市化過程中新興的「農民收租階級」:溫州與無錫「城中村」的轉型路徑、集體抗爭與福利政策
該期刊-下一篇 社會網絡與勞動市場表現:台灣資料的分析




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