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Markets as Politics: The Formation and Transformation of the Chinese Export-led Footwear Industry
作者 鄭志鵬
不同於過去研究中強調文化、關係或者信任面向,本文企圖從政治的角度探討中國出口導向製鞋產業的形成與轉變。1980年代第一波外資進入中國設廠,本文從Nike的失敗與台商的成功對照出不同行動者如何在特定的歷史與制度脈絡中創造出一個有利於全球分工的生產環境,藉此調校Neil Fligstein「市場作為一種政治場域」的國家、企業與工人的理論模型,建構出中國製鞋產業之地方政府、台商與農民工的在地模式。2000年之後,由中央主導的海關查稅行動開始介入地方政府與台商共謀的社會結構,希冀利益得以再次分配;同時,台資廠內「做人權」的實施也凸顯出國際買主在反血汗工廠運動中的角色曖昧性;更弔詭的是,這些「人權」措施反而進一步造成工人實質利益的損失。上述新/舊行動者的權力衝突與利益糾葛促使已臻成熟穩定的中國勞力密集加工出口產業環境發生劇烈轉變,本文所發現的行動者更替的動態性現象更進一步地豐富了Fligstein市場政治的理論模型。
Instead of adopting approaches emphasizing 'blood is thicker than water,' 'strange bedfellows,' and 'social embeddedness,' this paper examines the formation and transformation of the Chinese export-led footwear industry from a political perspective. In particular, a comparison between the experiences of Nike and Taiwanese footwear firms in the 1980s in China highlights how local governments, Taiwanese investors, and migrant laborers created a unique business environment. This environment not only solved uncertainties embedded in the Chinese economic transition, but also satisfied the demands of an international footwear division of labor. In addition, the paper's findings lead to a revision of Fligstein's model of markets as politics, emphasizing the central state, big firms, and local workers. Since 2000, the custom, authorized by the central government, has been attempting to grab a piece of the pie by interfering in symbiotic relationships between local governments and Taiwanese investors. The demand of 'fulfilling human rights' from international buyers in Taiwanese footwear firms hides the fact that buyers should also be responsible for sweatshops. Paradoxically, the demand actually reduces laborers' interests. These struggles among new/old actors not only have made the future of the country's domination of global footwear production uncertain, but also further elaborate Fligstein's model regarding the possibilities of changing actors.
起訖頁 109-163
關鍵詞 鞋業台商地方政府市場政治國際分工footwear industryTaiwanese investorslocal governmentsmarkets as politicsinternational division of labor
刊名 臺灣社會學  
期數 200806 (15期)
出版單位 中央研究院社會學研究所
該期刊-上一篇 政權轉移之治理性:戰後國民黨政權對日治時代保甲制度的承襲與轉化
該期刊-下一篇 發現「遲緩兒童」:科學認知、權力技術與社會秩序




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