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Jealous Madams, Anxious Mothers: Triangular Relationships in the Employment of Migrant Domestic Workers
作者 藍佩嘉
This study is based on the author's in-depth interviews with 45 Taiwanese women who employ migrant domestic workers. The author explores how these relatively privileged women seek to outsource labor as a strategy to 'bargain with patriarchy' whilst they continue to negotiate their roles as wives, mothers and daughters-in-law. The study poses the following questions: What are the needs that dictate the hiring of migrant women for child care and elder care? How do female employers assign and allocate housework, childcare and other various tasks between themselves and their surrogates (domestics)? How do they divide the labor in ways deemed socially appropriate and culturally acceptable? And finally, how do they redefine the meanings of domesticity, motherhood and motherhood-in-law to reinforce and confirm the many boundaries (between wife and maid, mother and nanny) so as to shield their status in the family from being displaced by market surrogates? The presence of migrant domestics has indeed disrupted and reorganized family relations, creating the following contradictory triangular relationships: firstly, between the jealous wife, the maid and the husband; secondly, between the anxious mother, the nanny and the children; and thirdly, between the modern daughter-in-law, the domestic and the insecure mother-in-law. Scrutiny of these relationships, in total, demonstrates the cultural logic and social institutions of marriage, motherhood, and inter-generational relationships among Taiwanese families. I also argue that while female employers negotiate gender identity within the framework of polarized womanhood, they conterminously and simultaneously participate in the construction of class and ethnic boundaries with regard to their migrant employees.
起訖頁 43-97
關鍵詞 家務工作家庭性別外籍幫傭/家務移工domestic laborfamilygendermigrant domestic worker
刊名 臺灣社會學  
期數 200412 (8期)
出版單位 中央研究院社會學研究所
該期刊-上一篇 公民身分、現代國家與親密生活:以老單身榮民與「大陸新娘」的婚姻為研究案例
該期刊-下一篇 台灣夫妻的家務工作時間:親密關係的影響




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