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The Women's Movement in Taiwan's Political Transition: An Approach Focused on the Biographical Backgrounds of Activists
作者 范雲
Most studies on social movements fail to adequately explain through what kind of mechanisms changing political opportunities influence social movements. I believe that an important reason is that inadequate attention has been given to the role of activists and their biographical backgrounds. Using quantitative survey data and interviews with activists in Taiwan's women's movement, the author explains the trajectory of that movement during Taiwan's democratic transition. The central argument consists of two parts. First, the activists' biographical backgrounds played an important role in shaping the movement's organizational repertoire, tactics, and choice of issues. Specifically, the activists' biographical backgrounds influenced the choice to use organizational models that did not require grass roots mobilization (e.g., publishing houses, social service organizations, and foundations), yet they also developed a party-neutral lobbying strategy to accompany the emphasis on social service and cultural advocacy. Second, changing political opportunities, especially the shift from authoritarianism to democracy, should not be considered a neutral factor among activists from different backgrounds. Consequently, activists should be viewed as the primary intervening variable impacting the movement's interactions with changing political opportunities.
起訖頁 133-193
關鍵詞 運動者生命傳記背景婦女運動組織劇碼政治機會結構社會運動activists' biographical backgroundswomen's movementorganizational repertoirespolitical opportunity structuresocial movement
刊名 臺灣社會學  
期數 200306 (5期)
出版單位 中央研究院社會學研究所
該期刊-上一篇 男子性與喝花酒文化:以Bourdieu的性別支配理論為分析架構
該期刊-下一篇 認同、敘事、與行動:台灣1970 年代黨外的歷史建構




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