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作者 傅仰止
Using a network structure approach, the author examines how two alters in a personal network vary in their ties with each other to create a triad consisting of two alters and an ego. The study focuses on two circumstances that determine the strength of alter-to-alter ties: how closely each alter is tied to the ego, and how similar the alters are to each other in terms of demographic and socioeconomic characteristics. Data were taken from the 1997 'Taiwan Social Change Surveys'. Respondents listed up to five alters each in one expressive and one instrumental network. Using alter-to-alter ties as the unit of analysis, the author extracts 24,415 ties from 2,835 respondents. The dependent variable (tie strength between two alters in each triad) is measured in terms of 'very familiar', 'somewhat familiar', and 'total stranger'. The first independent variable, 'strength of ego-to-alter tie', is measured in terms of a composite score from a factor analysis of length of acquaintance, frequency of interaction, closeness, and significance. The second group of independent variables, 'alter-to-alter homophily', includes seven demographic and socioeconomic indices. The findings correspond well with a proposition common to network analysis: the strength of ties between two alters depends largely on the strength of ties between the ego and each alter. However, further analysis indicates that the tie between ego and a 'latter alter' (whose tie to ego is inherently weaker) plays a more substantial role than the tie between ego and the 'former alter' (usually a closer tie). This qualification highlights the critical role of network location - that is, peripheral structure is more crucial in shaping other features within the network. Alter-to-alter ties also tend to increase when the alters are more homophilous. Nonetheless, demographic homophilous effects are more limited among kin alters, especially in expressive networks. In contrast, socioeconomic homophilous effects are strong and consistent across both types of networks, as long as at least one non-kin alter appears as a network member.
起訖頁 163-209
關鍵詞 網絡結構他人間聯繫自我與他人聯繫聯繫同質性personal networksalter-to-alter tieshomophilyego-to-alter ties
刊名 臺灣社會學  
期數 200206 (3期)
出版單位 中央研究院社會學研究所
該期刊-上一篇 台灣醫療產業的組織合作:不對等合作關係不作等合作關係
該期刊-下一篇 接近的距離:中國大陸台資廠的核心大陸員工與台商




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