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作者 陳志柔
An explanation is offered for regional variations in property rights transformation by examining the institutions in which local economic activities are embedded. The author argues that state bureaucracies and market mechanisms alone are insufficient for explaining institutional change in rural China. Only by including local institutions in any analysis of relationships among state, market, and local institutions is it possible to accurately explain paths of institutional change. Data were gathered from case studies and interviews conducted in southern Fujian and southern Jiangsu. They show that Southern Fujian property rights transformation was embedded in family and clan networks, while rural enterprises in southern Jiangsu were more strongly affected by power networks among local political cadres. In terms of post-reform institutional development in the late 1990s in the same regions, the author argues that institutional transformation does not necessarily lead to a convergence of global capitalism, since regional incentive structures are shaped by local institutions that serve as informal constraints affecting transformation paths originally initiated by the state.
起訖頁 219-262
關鍵詞 地方制度財產權制度轉型鄉鎮企業中國大陸社會變遷local institutionsproperty rightsinstitutional transformatio11rural enterprisessocial change in China
刊名 臺灣社會學  
期數 200112 (2期)
出版單位 中央研究院社會學研究所
該期刊-上一篇 性別、家庭與經濟:分析小型家庭企業老闆娘的地位
該期刊-下一篇 從福利國家到競爭式國家?:全球化與福利國家的危機




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