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作者 伊慶春簡文吟
One of the most noticeable phenomena between family and work institutions is that married women tend to withdraw from the labor force after marriage and after childbirth. However, there are actually more married women in Taiwan who stay in the labor force throughout various family life cycles. This paper examines how these women maintain their employment from 'before marriage', 'after marriage', to 'before the youngest child enters primary school' by means of flexible employment patterns. Samples arc randomly selected married women who have experienced marriage and childbearing stages. There are 939 Taiwanese women in our final sample. The result points out that among the Taiwanese sample, continual employment (43.7%) is the single most dominant employment pattern of Taiwanese married women. Among women of the continual employment pattern, flexible employment (including both informal and part-time employment) is shown to contribute to women's labor force participation: 30.3% of Taiwanese women in the sample transfered from formal to flexible work after marriage or after childbirth. Among factors affecting women's various employment patterns, the husband's family occupation as well as the women's work characteristics are found to be significant. This implies that the continual employment patterns of Taiwanese women is a compromise between demands from both family and work institutions, much more salient than the effect of women's human capital and personal work attitudes. Since women who fall into the continual employment category are not homogeneous, but rather reveal significant internal variation, this paper briefly discusses the important implications of the study for career development among married women in Taiwan.
起訖頁 149-182
關鍵詞 婦女持續就業家庭階段彈性就業家庭脈絡工作動機women's continual employmentfamily life stagesflexible employmentfamily contextwork attitudes
刊名 臺灣社會學  
期數 200106 (1期)
出版單位 中央研究院社會學研究所
該期刊-上一篇 台灣中高齡離職者的勞動參與和再就業:對台汽與中石化的事件史分析
該期刊-下一篇 制度脈絡、外部因素與台灣之「national question」的特殊性:一個理論與經驗的反省




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