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作者 陳德馨
Born to a distinguished family in Beipu Township, Hsinchu, Taiwan, Nan-Guang Deng was a well-known Hakka photographer. Deng established the Photographic Society of Taiwan and was elected as its first director. Deng was elected to seven consecutive terms before his sudden death in 1971. During Deng's terms as the editor of Taiwan Photo, he strongly influenced its artistic sensibility, establishing a realistic style to counter the picturesque saloon style promoted by officials. For Deng, documentary photography was a means of presenting healthy, bright content, instead of revealing society's poverty and backwardness. He strove to capture moments revealing true emotions rather than creating a fake reality. In essence, Deng intended to create a modern photography for the middle class. He remained neutral with respect to novel photography, which takes the creative consciousness of the artist as its focus, but nonetheless gave sufficient space to these new schools, regardless of his own preferences. Deng wanted to set a tone for modern middle class photography. Therefore, he supported nude photography against all those opposed. Additionally, he promoted outdoor photo sessions with fashion models to encourage cooperation between photographers and commercial advertisers. As a result of his efforts, the Photographic Society of Taiwan thrived under Deng's leadership. If we look at Nan-Guang Deng in purely artistic terms, he was slightly conservative, but if we consider the solemnity of his time, his achievements were remarkable for he steered his art through currents and obstacles to make it a popular activity for the general public.
起訖頁 93-154
關鍵詞 鄧南光台灣攝影郎靜山畫意攝影紀實攝影Nan-Guang DengTaiwan PhotoJing-Shan Langartistic photographydocumentary photography
刊名 藝術學研究  
期數 201706 (20期)
出版單位 國立中央大學藝術學研究所
該期刊-上一篇 錯戀台北青春:從1960年代三部台語片的無能男談起




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