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華人前瞻研究 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

A High Availability Architecture of Virtualization System
作者 劉世昌陳志宇
由於科技的進步及數位設備的普及,21 世紀的今日已成為資訊網路與精密工業高度 結合及發展的時代,無論是大數據、雲端運算或資料庫管理等技術研展,在在都衝擊數 位資料處理及儲存的安全性及可靠度。然而在資訊服務二十四小時不中斷的「連續性」 需求下,其更換設備與架構的過程中可能面臨的「新舊系統相容性」、「系統備援機制」 與「新興技術運用及管理」等窒礙,及其他影響運行如「系統異常」、「固障復原的操作 熟稔度」等變數,假設未能同步完善配套措施,上揭各項影響變因對於資料處理單位, 將可能造成不可預期之損害,因此備援機制的設計與運作將可降低資料受損風險,同時 提高整體系統運作效能。因此本研究以實際建立虛擬化環境來實作高可用度及動態資源 分配(Distributed Resource Scheduler, DRS)等系統進階功能,並透過模擬故障發生之災 難演練及記錄之「測試結果」,作為備援系統導入與建構的經驗參考。
Due to the progress of technology and the popularity of digital equipments, the 21st century becomes the era of highly combination and development times of the information network and precision industry, regardless of huge data, cloud computing and database management, and other technical research, impact the safety and reliability of digital data processing and storage, thus all 'Rapid Deployment of Information Systems', 'Equipment Renewal and Replacement', 'Data Preservation and Backup' and 'Maintain Operations Personnel Maintenance ' are bound to become the important issues for the future. However, non-interrupted, continuous demand of the 24-hour-service, the issues such as 'System Compatibility and Recovery Mechanism' ,' Application and Management of New Technology' and other obstacles are faced in the process of equipments replacement and architectures. And other factors that affect operations such as 'system abnormality' and 'Operations of the Disability Recovery', effects listed above will limit the support capabilities of the military units, if we can't complete the matching measures simultaneously, therefore, enhancing the high availability (HA) architecture of the virtualization is worthwhile to think about the pros and cons and to plan future communications and information policies to reduce its manpower management and risk through establishing high availability system and the backup mechanisms of redundancy. Therefore, this research concludes with the actual establishment of the virtual environment to implement the advanced functions of the system such as high availability and Dynamic Resource Scheduler (DRS), and through the simulation of the disaster drill and record the 'Test results' to be the reference experience of the system import and construction in the future.
起訖頁 1-18
關鍵詞 雲端運算備援系統虛擬化動態資源分配Cloud ComputingVirtualization SystemHigh Availability SystemDynamic Resource Scheduler
刊名 華人前瞻研究  
期數 201711 (13:2期)
出版單位 南洋文化學會
該期刊-下一篇 以Q方法探討咖啡廳美學認知類型




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