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Investigating Implementation Methods and Perceived Learning Outcomes of Children's Library Instruction Programs: A Case of Parentchild Doctors' Mailbox in National Library of Public Information
作者 張祐華 (Yu-Hua Chang)宋慧筠
本研究旨在探討公共圖書館實施兒童圖書資訊利用教育活動的方式、過程及感知學習成效。本研究為質性研究並以國立公共資訊圖書館之親子博士信箱活動為例,透過觀察法 (包含放聲思考法)、訪談法、學習文件等方式蒐集資料。研究對象包含31位兒童、26位 家長、3位圖書館館員。本研究獲得的研究結果顯示:(一)國立公共資訊圖書館親子博士 信箱活動融合遊戲式學習(有獎徵答與閱讀指導)以及分齡的方式來規劃設計,實施方式為兒童親自到流通服務櫃檯領取指定書籍與答案卷,答對問題者可獲得點數積分兌換獎 品。(二)兒童參與該活動的外在動機包含獎品誘因、他人推薦、偶然地看見;內在動機包 含培養閱讀與寫字習慣以及手足陪伴。(三)參與該活動的兒童之感知學習成效包含培養兒 童專注力、書的觀點影響兒童感受、閱讀能力進步、寫作能力進步、邏輯思考進步、增進 人際互動的關係等。(四)家長在兒童參與該活動時扮演的角色為陪伴與協助;館員的角色為規劃與舉辦活動、鼓勵,以及成為兒童的朋友。
This study aimed to investigate the implementation methods, process and perceived learning outcomes of children's library instruction programs. This study adopted a qualitative approach with the Parent-child Doctors' Mailbox program in National Library of Public Information. Observation (including thinking aloud), interviews and documents were used for data collection in order to elicit perspectives of 31 children, 26 parents and 3 librarians. Main findings derived from this study can be summarized as follows: (1) Parent-child Doctors' Mailbox integrated play (e.g., prize quizzes and reading guides) into the program design, which was based upon the development of different age groups. Children needed to go to the circulation desk in person in order to get designated books and answer sheets. Children earned points to redeem for prizes by answering questions correctly. (2) Motivations for children's participation in the program were categorized as external (e.g., prizes, recommendations from friends and serendipity) and internal (e.g., cultivating habits of reading and writing, and siblings' company). (3) Children's perceived learning outcomes of participation in the program included improving children's attention span, the positive influence of messages delivered by books on children, and the positive progress of children's reading, writing, logical thinking and interpersonal skills. (4) Parents' roles in children's participation in the program included accompanying children and providing reactive assistance. Roles of librarians involved administrative work, encouragement and befriending children.
起訖頁 103-130
關鍵詞 公共圖書館國小兒童圖書資訊利用教育資訊素養質性研究Public LibrariesElementary School ChildrenLibrary Instruction ProgramsInformation LiteracyQualitative Research
刊名 圖書資訊學刊  
期數 201706 (15:1期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學圖書資訊學系
該期刊-上一篇 企業行動化之導入策略與組織績效影響研究




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