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作者 許曉芬
近十年法國民法學界一大盛事即為民法債篇的修正,其中 公共秩序(ordre public)與善良風俗(bonne moeurs)概念隨 著社會型態與時俱進,更受到國際及區域契約法整合下原理原則影響,於本次修法也透過歷年實務見解及學說發展,有跨時代性的變革,除了利用「公共秩序」當成一種契約自由之衡平, 並著重於其經濟上之保護力量,更透過修法宣告公共秩序之重 建與新生,確立其為契約法之重要基石,值得吾人注意。 我國民法繼受法國公共秩序與善良風俗分列,本文第一部分觀察過去十年最高法院及高等法院判決,以其功能性區分為兩類實務特別看重之價值標準,分別為「維護社會公共利益或 核心價值之公序良俗」態樣,及「調整當事人間權利義務關係或平衡強弱間關係之公序良俗」態樣,並挑出值得探討之個案分析,試圖釐清近十年我國實務於公序良俗條款上之詮釋是否 與過去有別,並檢討其發展。本文第二部分則從法國法上探討 「公共秩序」與「善良風俗」意義、沿革與轉換,並評析法國契約法之現代化,如何使公共秩序落實於民法架構與實際中, 以期提供我國認事用法上有所參考,並回頭檢視我國實務對於公序良俗意義的詮釋,是否能更貼近現今社會及法律現實之需求。
After a decade of discussion and debate, French contract law has been reformed by an ordinance of 11 February 2016 and took effect on 1st October 2016. The reform codifies a number of principles that have emerged in case law and brings it into line with European and international standards. The new contract law emphasizes the importance of good faith at every step of the contract's negotiation, conclusion and execution as a principle of public order. It revitalizes at the same time the notion of public order and modernizes the language by annulling the morality provision which exists already Napoleon Code since 1804. This study aims to analyze the development of ordre public and morality concept established in the Supreme courts and high courts case law in Taiwan. By classifying the cases into two categories on the basis of the function of ordre public and morality, this article redefines the role of ordre public and morality in contract law from a comparative perspective and tries to give these concepts contemporary meanings which adapts to new challenges.
起訖頁 171-215
關鍵詞 公序良俗法國契約法法國民法民法誠信原則Ordre PublicMoralityFrench Contract LawFrench Civil LawPrinciple of Good Faith
刊名 東海大學法學研究  
期數 201704 (51期)
出版單位 東海大學法律學院
該期刊-上一篇 論個人資料保護法之「當事人同意」
該期刊-下一篇 臺灣醫療糾紛適用仲裁制度之研究--以美國 ADR 經驗為中心




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