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Responses to Ex Post Facto Illegality of Administrative Disposition
作者 陳信安
依現今學理通說,行政處分之合法性係以處分作成之時為判斷基準時點。基此,行政處分若於作成之時即已違法,原處分機關即得依行政程序法第117 條以下關於撤銷之規定處理;反之,若行政處分於作成之時係屬合法,但因嗣後事實或法律變更而質變為違法,則處分機關應依行政程序法第122 條或第123 條第4 款規定處理。此等二分法乍看之下,似無疑問。然若行政處分就其規制效力以觀,係非屬一次性,而係所謂具持續效力之行政處分時,則前述行政程序法第122 條、第123 條第4 款,以及第125 條等規定所建構之廢止機制內,恐無法處理基於該等行政處分所提供之相關給付應如何請求返還之問題。對此,本文將先行探究我國行政程序法117 條以下關於行政處分廢棄機制之規範內容,以及分析相關學理及實務見解,繼之並探究德國聯邦行政程序法於1996 年修法前、後之規範內容,借鏡德國行政法學理及實務之論證,從中探求可作為我國行政機關處理前述問題時之可行方式,並嘗試提出修法之建議。
In general, the theoretical setting of legality of administrative disposition is determinedby the time point at which the disposition is taken. Accordingly, if specific administrativedisposition is illegal at the time of the deed, the agency or institution pursuing the dispositionshall proceed to withdrawal of the disposition pursuant to the rear section of Article 117 ofthe Administrative Procedure Act. In contrast, if specific administrative disposition is legalat the time of the deed but turns illegal ex post facto due to the evolution of the event inpoint or the change in the legal environment, the agency/institution pursuing the dispositionshall proceed to Article 122 or Article 123, paragraph 4 of the Administrative Procedure Act.The dualistic view of the same administrative disposition appears to be unquestionable.However, if the effect of administrative disposition is not a one time deal and should entailsustainable effect, the mechanism of revocation provided by Article 122, Article 123, paragraph4, and Article 125 of the Administrative Procedure Act may not be able to provide for therequest for return of related payment. In this paper, the content covering the mechanism ofwithdrawal of administrative disposition provided by Article 117 of the AdministrativeProcedure Act in Taiwan will be addressed. Related academic theories and insights frompractices will also be subject to analysis. In addition, the Federal Administrative ProcedureAct of Germany before and after the amendment in 1996 will also be explored. The theoriesand practices of administrative law in Germany will be studied and taken as an example ofcase study to explore the feasible solutions for the administrative agencies or institutions inhandling the aforementioned issue with an attempt to present recommendation for amendingthe law.
起訖頁 71-116
關鍵詞 行政處分之廢棄撤銷廢止嗣後違法Administrative Procedure ActAdministrative Dispositionwithdrawalrevocation
刊名 東吳法律學報  
期數 201710 (29:2期)
出版單位 東吳大學法學院
該期刊-上一篇 刑法上業務過失之理論與實務--以德國法為借鏡
該期刊-下一篇 內線交易再進化:談衍生性金融商品之內線交易




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