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A Study of the Relationship between Cultural Identity and Life Adaptation on New Immigrants
作者 吳瓊洳 (Chiung-Ju Wu)蔡明昌 (Ming-Chang Tsai)
本研究旨在探討新住民對其原生國文化及台灣本土文化的認同情形,並了解她們的雙重文化認同與其生活適應之相關。本研究目的如下:1.瞭解新住民對其原生國文化及台灣本土文化的認同情形;2.探討不同背景變項的新住民在雙重文化認同的差異情形;3.了解新住民的雙重文化認同與其生活適應之相關。本研究採問卷調查方式以911位來自中國大陸、越南、印尼之新住民為研究對象進行資料分析,歸納出以下重要發現: (一)新住民對原生國文化及台灣本土文化,在情感歸屬或是實際的行為投入部分,都十分認同; (二)國籍、家庭氣氛、教育程度等不同背景變項之新住民對原生國文化認同有顯著差異; (三)語言程度、教育程度、家庭氣氛、有無工作等不同背景變項之新住民對台灣本土文化同有顯著差異; (四)新住民雙重文化認同,與其本身的生活適應有正相關。 根據研究發現,本研究提出以下幾點具體建議: (一)經常舉辦新住民之原生國文化的相關活動,營造友善尊重的多元文化環境; (二)鼓勵新住民學習台灣本土語言,以儘早適應台灣生活,進而認同台灣; (三)推動家庭教育活動,鼓勵新住民家庭積極參與,以利營造和諧正向家庭氣氛; (四)保障新住民家庭之尌業權益,提供完善的尌業機會以改善家庭經濟狀況,進而改善新住民對台灣本土文化之認同; (五)肯定新住民的雙文化優勢,對其新住民的生活適應會有正面的影響。
The major purposes of this study were to understand the cultural identity of new immigrants and explored the correlation of their bicultural identities and life adaptation. In order to reach the above-mentioned purposes, the method of questionnaire survey was adopted. The valid samples of 911 new immigrants from China,Indonesia, and Vietnam were included to write questionnaires.. Percentage, t test, one-way ANOVA and correlation method were employed to analyze the data.The main results were as follows:1. The status of new immigrants about the original nation culture and Taiwan culture of new immigrants were good, including the affection belongs and behavioral involvement;2. Nationality, family atmosphere and degree of education showed the significant differences towards the original nation culture of new immigrants.;3. Language, family atmosphere and their family income showed the significant differences towards Taiwan culture of new immigrants.;4. The correlation of new immigrants’ bicultural identities and life adaptation was positive. Finally, some suggestions of this study were provided.
起訖頁 1-32
關鍵詞 新住民文化認同生活適應New ImmigrantsCultural IdentityLife Adaptation
刊名 嘉大教育研究學刊  
期數 201712 (39期)
出版單位 國立嘉義大學
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