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Comparison of the CDC/NHSN Surgical Site Infection Surveillance 2010 and 2017 Version Definitions
作者 葉青菁姜秀子陳郁慧陳湘婷薛博仁
美國疾病管制局在2017年1月於美國國家醫療保健安全網(National Healthcare Safety Network, NHSN)的網站公布了最新的手術部位感染監測定義,這對於一向追求與歐美醫療品質同步提升的我們,無疑是一項重要的訊息;對於不同時期的醫療照護感染監測定義以列表的方式作差異性的比較,能夠進一步的掌握新知與融會貫通;外科部位感染監測在所有「醫療照護相關感染」(healthcare-associated infection, HAI)監測中耗費最多的時間成本,因為監測期最多長達1年,隨著醫學的進步,新的檢驗技術分子生物檢驗、血清免疫檢驗普及化、新的手術方式達文西機器手臂微創手術、內視鏡縫合,在原來的定義上都不足以解釋,這促使我們更加有必要對新修訂的外科部位感染監測定義的了解與實際運用於臨床狀況。
In January 2017, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) published the latest definition of surgical site infection (SSI) on the website of the National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN). This, undoubtedly, is an important message, as we are constantly pursuing improvements in healthcare quality that are synchronous with the United States and Europe. According to the different stages of healthcare, the definition of SSI is formulated to make a comparison of their differences between each stage. This formulation also considered the convenience of learning the latest knowledge and making an overall comprehension. Since the surveillance for SSI can take a year to survey, it is the most time-consuming infection to monitor of all the types of healthcare-associated infections. With advances in medicine, new medical laboratory technology (e.g., molecular biological test, serology and immunological tests), and new surgical approaches (e.g., robot-assisted microsurgery, endoscopic suture), have made the original definition of SSI insufficient to express the circumstances of SSI. Therefore, it is necessary to understand the newly modified definition of SSI surveillance and its applicability in various clinical situations.
起訖頁 125-137
關鍵詞 外科部位感染醫療照護相關感染外科部位感染定義surgical site infectionHealthcare-associated infection
刊名 感染控制雜誌  
期數 201706 (27:3期)
出版單位 社團法人台灣感染管制學會
該期刊-上一篇 2013年美國加利福尼亞州長期照護機構結核病感染管制措施建議
該期刊-下一篇 預防結核病在醫療機構中傳播之行政管理──南韓的經驗




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