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Investigation of Ship Sanitation Inspection at Kaohsiung Port, 2011-2015
Investigation of Ship Sanitation Inspection at Kaohsiung Port, 2011-2015
作者 Jheng-Guang Jhong (Jheng-Guang Jhong)Ying-Ying Tsai (Ying-Ying Tsai)Mei-Ju Chen (Mei-Ju Chen)Chiou-Yueh You (Chiou-Yueh You)Chao- Ching Chang (Chao- Ching Chang)
Kaohsiung-Pintung Region of Centers for Disease Control (CDC) administrates the affairs at National Kaohsiung Port (Kaohsiung Port), in which there are many ships passing through every year. Ships arrive at Kaohsiung Port, accompanied with potential risk factors, may threaten public health in Taiwan. According to International Health Regulations 2005 (IHR 2005), ships are required to hold valid sanitation certificates during navigating between nations. Therefore, Taiwan CDC follows the regulations mentioned, inspecting and conducting health education while there is evidence of ship sanitation defect. To examine the situation of ship sanitation at Kaohsiung Port, and consider about relative strategies in the future, we investigate the ship sanitation certificate issuance and patterns of ship sanitation control certificate from 2011 to 2015. In conclusion, the sanitation situation of oil vessels was the worst among the inspected ships, and evidence of vectors infestation were mostly located at food storage areas, which implied that improvement of the management of these areas was urgently needed. In addition to inspectors of CDC, shipping agencies and ship managers also play important roles in sanitation promotion in this issue. After all, quarantine officers at front line should conduct health education both in early and late stages for shipping agencies and ship managers. It is mandatory to improve sanitation defects and to increase their knowledge during ship sanitation inspections, which would help prevent disease spreading, and protect both health and life of quarantine officers, crew or passengers, and even the public.
起訖頁 108-108
關鍵詞 International Health Regulations (IHR)Kaohsiung PortShip sanitation inspection
期數 201708 (33:16期)
出版單位 衛生福利部疾病管制署
該期刊-上一篇 The Border Quarantine Response to the Outbreak of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus at Taoyuan International Airport, Taiwan, 2015
該期刊-下一篇 Disease Surveillance Express: week 31-32 (Jul. 30 -Aug. 12, 2017)




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