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Student Nurses’ Perspectives of Good Nurse Traits
作者 賴貞君張瓊珠 (Chiung-Chu Chang)陳柏帆張倖綺陳淑月
護理教育的目的是在養成護理專業人員,了解好護師特質--個人和專業特質,有助於護 理臨床及教學上的反思,進而改進教學品質。好護師特質相關研究相當少,本研究旨在探討 護生對好護師特質的看法,研究採橫斷面研究法,2010 年三月,在南部某醫護管理專科學校, 對護理科五年級畢業生(以下簡稱護生)於「專業問題討論」課堂上,針對 40 項好護師特質, 以Q分類量表排出重要性的程度,分數越高表示越為重要,共有 335 位護生完成測量。量性 資料分析以平均數、標準差,及重要性排序呈現;質性資料則以內容分析法萃取資料之意義。 研究結果發現,護生認為最重要的前 10 項好護師特質,依序為:執行技術能顧及感受、 適時正確評估、維護病人安全、有效執行護理處置、同理心、促進病人舒適、有責任感的、會替病人設想的、精確熟練的技術、滿足病人身體需要;其中八項為專業特質,僅兩項個人特質。重要性最低三項依序為:順從的、幽默的、以及願意犧牲奉獻的。就個人特質重要性排序,護生與病人的觀點大同小異。護生排列卡片時,最猶豫不決的是「樂在工作不發脾氣」、「視病猶親」、「有勇氣的」,反映出護理是高情緒勞務的工作。本研究結果可提供護理人員自我反思,護理教師亦可藉此了解護生對好護師特質的看法,進而協助護生自我認識與成長,更可提供護理專業與通識課程教師共同討論培育好護師的溝通平台。
Nursing education is intentionally to cultivate professional nurses. It is important for nurse educators to better teach if they acknowledge the good nurse traits, including personal traits and professional traits. Good nurse traits related study has been scarce. The aim of the study was to explore the perspectives of student nurses on good nurse traits. The study was cross-sectional. Data were collected from 335 nurse students of a diploma nursing program at a college of nursing, health science and management in southern area of Taiwan. A Q-methodology was used to measure the importance of 40 pieces of cards of good nurse traits. After completing the card placement, the participants were asked to identify the most hesitating to place cards and the reasons. The findings were that the top ten important good nurse traits were in sequence taking care of feelings while doing nursing skills, patient safety maintenance, effectively doing nursing intervention, empathy, improving patient comfort, being responsible, being considerate, precise and adept techniques, meeting patient’s needs. The least important were being obedient, being humorous, and being sacrificed. Among the top ten, only two were personal traits, the rest were professional traits. According to personal traits, the importance sequence of patients’ perspectives and nurse students’ perspectives was similar. The most hesitating to place cards were being happy and not losing temper while working, treating patients as relatives, being courageous. It reflects that nursing is a high emotional labor work. The results of this study have important implications for nurse educators in the development of curricula, including understanding nurse students’ interpersonal traits, and helping them self-awareness and self-growth. The results also provide a communication platform between professional nursing teachers and teachers who teach literacy classes.
起訖頁 1-15
關鍵詞 好護師特質觀點護生good nurse traitsperspectivesstudent nurse
刊名 崇仁學報  
期數 201012 (4期)
出版單位 崇仁醫護管理專科學校
該期刊-下一篇 談《癡人說夢記》中的科舉制度




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