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On Yang Xiangkui and His View of New Text and Old Text Confucianism
作者 車行健
This paper aims to examine Yang Xiangkui's view of New Text and Old Text Confucianism and the influence of Gu Jiegang on his studies of Confucian Classics. Yang Xiangkui, a well-established history scholar, has been noted for his studies of Chinese ancient history. Yang's discussions of Confucian Classics in three life stages (from his early age before 1949, to his middle age in the 1950-1960, to his late years in 1970-1980) have been focused on the issue of New Text and Old Text Confucianism. As the core of Yang's studies, this issue involves discussions such as the authenticity of texts like Zuozhuan and Rites of Zhou; relations between politics and studies of Confucian Classics in Han Dynasty. And the studies on Yang's view of New Text and Old Text Confucianism cannot do without discussing Ku shih pien school, a school led by history scholar Gu Jiegang. Despite being deeply influenced by Gu, Yang's studies of Confucian Classics often defies and even denies Gu, claiming that the so called “Ku shih pien school,” or the school of doubting ancient history, only betrays the prejudice of Jin-wen (New-Text) school.
起訖頁 59-96
關鍵詞 楊向奎顧頡剛今古文《左傳》古史辨派Yang XiangkuiGu JiegangNew Text and Old TextZuozhuanKu shih pien school
刊名 政大中文學報  
期數 201406 (21期)
出版單位 國立政治大學中國文學系
該期刊-上一篇 章太炎《尚書》著作考述
該期刊-下一篇 即「寺」遊玄:論南朝文學集團「遊寺詩」共作的文化意涵




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