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The Significance of Gu Jie-Gang's Study on the Completion Time of “Yaodian”
作者 許華峰
Gu Jiegang's study on the article in the Book of Documents “Yaodian” is mainly focused upon its completion time. Gu starts to read the Book of Documents at the age of 16 in 1908, and he gradually suspects that “Yaodian” is later than the book. After a long-term deliberation and textual research, Gu publishes A Textual Research on the Completion Time of “Yaodian” in 1931, when he teaches Shangshu Studies in Yenching University. In the book, he claims that “Yaodian” was completed in the reign of Emperor Wu of Han. This argument is Gu's most important achievement in “Yaodian” study, and it remains unchanged even when he passes away. This study elaborates his deliberating process with the massive notes he has left and points out that A Textual Research on the Completion Year of “Yaodian” differs from other textual studies documents primarily in the establishment of an enormous historical explanation system. Gu makes his every effort to have this system presented with good consistency and organization, and uses it to confirm “Yaodian”'s completion time.
起訖頁 115-138
關鍵詞 堯典顧頡剛辨偽學漢武帝“Yaodian”Gu Jie-Gangdubious authenticity discriminationEmperor Wu of Han
刊名 政大中文學報  
期數 201212 (18期)
出版單位 國立政治大學中國文學系
該期刊-上一篇 講唱之劍--以敦煌本〈伍子胥變文〉為中心的討論
該期刊-下一篇 論莊子外王思想中的「道」、「命」關係




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