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A Study of Taoism and Politics in The Late Tang Dynasty: a Clue of Xi-yuan Zhou went to Chang’an
作者 李平
Through detailed observation and collection of the historical materials concerning the life and events of the Taoist priest Xi-yuan Zhou in the Late Tang Dynasty, this article elab-orates that his change from a local priest to a national known priest and even his enlisted by the Emperor Tang JingZong was closely related to the provincial fame and recognization he gained among the community of governmental officials. By the gradual accumulation of the above mentioned fame and recognization, and also through the recommandation by the governmental officals, he obtained the attention of the central authority. This politics-reli-gion relationship was different from the mode of the Taoist priests in the Early and Middle Tang Dynasty, who acquired and expanded their influence directly through the central authority. This conversion was, in some degree, connected with the change of the Taoism’s status in the Late Tang Dynasty. And then, by analyzing the change of attitude of govern-mental officials before and after the arrival of Xi-yuan Zhou at the capital city, this article points out that, in the Late Tang Dynasty, during the process of being influnenced by the Taoist priests, the governmental officials usually have two different positons, “priviate” one and “public” one. And by observing the experience of Xi-yuan Zhou, one conclusion can be made and testified:despite their in the private position, out of religious faith, the gov-ernmental officals could tolerate and even follow the apparently eerie religious techniques and holy signs, but they would not allow them to influnence the area of public opinions (which was) related to the legitimacy of the Dynasty’s authority.
起訖頁 59-80
關鍵詞 周息元道教晚唐政教關係地方聲望Xi-yuan ZhouTaoismLate TangpoliticsLocal reputation
刊名 新世紀宗教研究  
期數 201012 (9:2期)
出版單位 財團法人世界宗教博物館發展基金會附設出版社
該期刊-上一篇 記憶、身體、空間:論丁雲鵬《三教圖》之文化意涵
該期刊-下一篇 論《金剛經》之定慧修行次第




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