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神聖的屈從──杜光庭道教小說 《錄異記》之聖俗分判及其世俗化傾向
Divinity / Secularity Distinction and the Secular Tendency in Du Guangting’s The Collection of Strange Phenomena
作者 黃東陽
Du Guangting, the Taoist religion leader of the late Tang Dynasty, not only converged the Taoist principles and gathered biographies of immortals and myths since the beginning of Tang Dynasty, but also compiled several collections of Taoist stories. Among them, The Collection of Strange Phenomena was written in the style of the Six Dynasties. It gathered contemporary legends and news, in order to successfully prove the truthfulness and value of the Taoist faith. Its literary style and main points are very unique. This book adapted a positive attitude and accepted the group consciousness. Based on the image of the public, it also established the world’s 3D map, the individual fate and the physical law. Although Du followed the collective consciousness, he used Taoist principles to explain strange phenomena in the society, which became the foundation of preaching Taoist religion. In terms of space, the author defined the traditional concept of “Holy Space” in the fairyland as accessible famous mountains and blessed land, and the common Taoist temples, thus established regions ranking from the fairyland to Taoist temples and the world of mortals. As for the characters in these stories, the author used the ability as the main ranking crite-rion and established the biological realm with ranks from common men to the immortals. Realizing that a religion must go to the people and yield to the trend of the secular world, Du Guangting incorporated the thought of the main trend and attempted to covert people to the Taoist religion.
起訖頁 1-29
關鍵詞 杜光庭《錄異記》道教小說志怪小說唐五代Du GuangtingThe Collection of Strange PhenomenaTaoist storyweird navelTang and the Five Dynasties
刊名 新世紀宗教研究  
期數 201012 (9:2期)
出版單位 財團法人世界宗教博物館發展基金會附設出版社
該期刊-下一篇 記憶、身體、空間:論丁雲鵬《三教圖》之文化意涵




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