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The Implication of Kṣama in Shen Hui’s Thoughtlessness Zen Buddhism
作者 白金銑
This text takes the contents about kṣama for absolution from sin in the written records of lectures on Zen dialogue by Heze Shen Hui, a disciple of the sixth patriarch Hui Neng, as the subject of discussion to give positive recognition to the thoughtlessness kṣama of innately possessed wisdom of Prajñā and sudden realization of self nature and enlightenment in Zen Buddhism, in comparison to Hui Neng’s animitta kṣama and Shen Hsiu’s kṣama of nirvana wisdom. The comprehension and analysis of related information thus leads me to think that the thoughtlessness kṣama of Shen Hui of He Tzeh Ch'an embraces the four practical implications, “The absolution from sin not sticking to sin and blessing,” “The purification and thoughtlessness of three uncontaminated studies,” “The Prajñā kṣama of animitta and dharmata bhuta-tathata (true sign),” and “The no-going and knowing-set right view and thoughtlessness,” signifying the further development following Hui Neng’s animitta kṣama.
起訖頁 115-160
關鍵詞 神會惠能神秀懺悔禮懺因果罪性本空Shen HuiHui NengShen HsiuKṣamaWorship and KṣamaCause and EffectNature of Offenses as Empty
刊名 新世紀宗教研究  
期數 200906 (7:4期)
出版單位 財團法人世界宗教博物館發展基金會附設出版社
該期刊-上一篇 茅山道士陶弘景之養生思想探究
該期刊-下一篇 由陰入陽的成聖之途——由《西遊記》的「食色」談起




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