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A Study of the User Adopt of BI System
作者 吳錦波林佳蓉
由於全球化的競爭,要如何能將日常經營過程中的大量資料,將它們轉化為資訊和知識,以提供企業重大決策之參考已非常重要。然而過去的IT技術所給予的支援尚有差距。因此,為了即時掌握與滿足客戶需求、提高市場佔有率、增強競爭力,便透過商業智慧(Business Intelligence, BI)來協助企業建立完善的決策輔助及資訊擷取的機制就愈顯得重要。且使用者是驅動企業目標及流程的主要動力,若使用者不願接受及使用系統,則無法將此系統的效益確實發揮。因此本研究主要以整合型科技接受與使用模式(UTAUT)來探討使用者對於BI系統的使用意向。透過文獻的收集與整理,採用網路問卷的方式對企業員工發放,結果發現:績效期望與努力期望會正向影響使用者使用BI系統的意圖,而使用意圖會正向影響實際使用;使用者對BI系統的績效期望會受到性別、年齡、經驗、自願性、教育程度、以及目前職務等控制變數的干擾而影響使用意圖;使用者對BI系統的努力期望會受到教育程度的干擾而影響使用意圖;使用者對BI系統的社群影響會受到性別、經驗、教育程度等控制變數的干擾而影響使用意圖;促成因素不會受到任何的控制變數而影響實際使用BI系統的行為。
Due to global competition, how to transfer business operations data into useful information and knowledge to support business decision-making has become very important for enterprises. That IT can’t keep up with the business need in the past has totally changed. Therefore, in order to satisfy customer requirement, increase market share, and strengthen the competitiveness of an enterprise, it is important for enterprises to utilize business intelligence (BI) to support business in making effective decisions and build up a mechanism that captures critical information. Users are the primary forces to drive the business processes and the organizational goal. If they do not accept and use the BI systems, the enterprise cannot obtain any benefit from them. Thus, this research is based on the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) to investigate the intention for users to use BI systems. Through the process of literature review, research model development, an online survey instrument was used to collect data regarding user behavior of using BI systems. The results are as followed: Performance expectancy and effort expectancy would have significantly positive influence on behavioral intention; this will, in turn, influence usage behavior. The influence of performance expectancy on behavior intention would be moderated by genders, age, experience, voluntariness, education and position. The influence of effort expectancy on behavior intention would be moderated by education. The influence of social influence on behavior intention would be moderated by genders, experience and education. Finally, the influence of facilitating conditions on behavior intention would not be moderated by any variable.
起訖頁 341-362
關鍵詞 整合型科技接受與使用模式商業智慧系統資訊系統採用UTAUTBusiness IntelligenceInformation Systems Adoption
刊名 電子商務研究  
期數 200809 (6:3期)
出版單位 國立臺北大學資訊管理研究所
該期刊-上一篇 行動電腦之視覺化身分鑑定研究
該期刊-下一篇 整合自我效能、信任、組織支持與動機因素探索醫療知識庫系統之使用意圖--以台灣某教學醫院為例




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