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The Effect of Experiential and Goal-Directed Internet Activities on Web Flow Experiences
作者 徐純慧施素明
Gilmore and Pine II於1998年提出「體驗經濟」(experience economy)的概念,指出企業應以服務為舞台,創造具吸引力的消費情境,使消費者沉浸於消費體驗中。其後Schmitt於1999年提出「體驗行銷」(experiential marketing)的概念,將感官行銷、情感行銷、思考行銷、行動行銷及關聯行銷等「策略體驗模組」構成體驗行銷之主要策略。而體驗行銷之目的,在於結合體驗媒介以塑造顧客個人及與他人共享的美好體驗,此種美好體驗的典型,即為1975年Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi所提出的「沉浸」(flow)。「沉浸」係指個體意識集中、喪失自覺,僅對具體目標和明確的回饋有反應,並且透過對環境的操控產生一種控制感。在目前的電子商務資訊爆炸的時代,如何塑造使用者的「網際網路沉浸」體驗,以期達到吸引使用者之注意力,並塑造使用者對網站之忠誠,為體驗行銷結合網路行銷之重要課題。本研究探討「體驗型」及「目標導向型」活動對使用者進入「網際網路沉浸」狀態之影響,並分析在促成使用者「網際網路沉浸」體驗之影響因素中,「娛樂性」應扮演何種角色。研究結果發現,網路使用者之「涉入(重要性)」有助於「鼓舞/挑戰」、「知覺控制/技能」與「注意力集中」效果之提昇;而「娛樂性」程度亦有助於「知覺控制/技能」、「注意力集中」與「時間扭曲」效果之提昇;「鼓舞/挑戰」感及「注意力集中」有助於「時間扭曲」;「鼓舞/挑戰」、「知覺控制/技能」、「時間扭曲」、「空間扭曲」等影響沉浸之因素中,「空間扭曲」為較顯著之因素。此外,研究結果顯示「體驗型」較「目標導向型」較易讓使用者進入「網際網路沉浸」狀態。對電子商務經營者來說,可由影響「網際網路沉浸」之因素,結合網路行銷與體驗行銷之概念,著重於提供使用者於網站之「網際網路沉浸」體驗。並讓網際網路使用型為由「目標導向型」轉為「體驗型」,如此可有效提昇使用者對網站之忠誠度。
Gilmore and Pine II advanced the concept of experienced economy in 1998. They divided the gradual progress of economic worth into four stages: commodities, goods, services and experience. Experience economy means that enterprise must create attractive consumption situation first, and focus on offering service to make consumer fascinated. Schmitt proposed the concept of experiential marketing in 1999, and refer to the Strategic Experiential Modules(SEM) including sense, feel, think, and act are main strategies of experiential marketing. The purpose of experiential marketing is in order to combine with experiential media to mould the consumer’s and share with other’s bright experience, and the bright experience is flow by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi in 1975. Flow is the individual attention is centralized, loss of self-consciousness, only react to concrete goal and clear feedback and produce a kind of control sense through the control of the environment. In an era of information explosion of e-commerce at present, how to mould consumer’s flow experiences in the internet to get attention and to building loyalty is the important issue of combined with experiential marketing and Internet marketing. This research is based on the flow experiences model of Novak. The aim of this paper is to explore the distinctions between goal-directed and experiential behavior on website and try to discuss the influence factor. We find that “involvement” affect the “arousal/challenge”, “control/skill”, and “focus attension” are supported. We also find that “playfulness” affect the “control/skill”, “focus attension” , and “time distortion”are supported. Furthermore, “arousal/challenge” and “focus attension” affect “time distoration” are supported. Finally, about the effect of Internet activities on web flow experiences, experiantial activties are more easier into flow state than goal-directed activities.
起訖頁 193-209
關鍵詞 體驗經濟體驗行銷沉浸目標導向型體驗型experience economyexperiential marketingflowgoal-directedexperiential
刊名 電子商務研究  
期數 200506 (3:2期)
出版單位 國立臺北大學資訊管理研究所
該期刊-上一篇 應用模糊測度與能力集合於網路咖啡店之服務集合擴展設計




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