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User Acceptance of On-line Learning: An Example of Doctor Extension Education in Medical Centers
作者 洪新原李易璉
With the advent of the Global Budget, the quality-demanding era is a key dimension in which hospitals should consider. To have customer-centered pol icy, reform medical education, and publicize evidence-based medicine, establishing a learning hospital and enhancing the hospital force for competition are critical. Doctors are the key members in the medical team. Their productivity absolutely has a great influence on medical productivity and competitive advantage. Doctors ought to continuously improve their professional knowledge and technological skill to have the solutions and answers to the diagnoses and therapies of clinical diseases. In view of the heavy workload and the lacking manpower, it is difficult for doctors to attend classes at a certain time. On-line learning with a flexible learning mode can be employed for doctor extension education. The study is to explore factors influencing user acceptance of on-line learning. A questionnaire was developed by reviewing related literature and interviewing with some domain experts. Subsequently, 1,020 questionnaires were distributed and collected by a random sampling from 17 medical centers. The usable responses were 331. The response rate was 32.50%. Results from a stepwise regression analysis indicated that: (1) attitude toward computers and computer literal are significantly correlated with the hospital size; (2) user characteristics, organizational characteristics, and course contents are significantly positive correlated with the attitude toward on-line learning. Implications from the findings are also provided.
起訖頁 461-479
關鍵詞 線上學習電子化學習醫師在職教育使用者接受On-line Learninge-LearningDoctor Extension EducationUser Acceptance
刊名 電子商務研究  
期數 200412 (2:4期)
出版單位 國立臺北大學資訊管理研究所
該期刊-上一篇 公開金鑰基礎建設之憑證管理機制研究




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