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The Research on Critical Successful Factors of Implementing the B2B E-marketplace in Taiwan Biotech Industy
作者 王居卿余強生吳欣玫
Researches by many well-known Internet survey companies displayed that the transaction amount of global e-commerce has been growing rapidly and, among that rapid growth, B2B e-commerce is the main driving strength. Besides, among all B2B e-commerce trades, B2B e-marketplace is the most essential contributor. E-market place, on the one hand, accelerates transaction flow and decreases transaction cost for both buyers and vendors by converging huge numbers of buyers and vendors as well as by Internet automatic transaction process. On the other hand, e-marketplace offers extensive choice opportunities for both vendors and buyers by gathering huge amounts of information from both sides so as to that buyers encounter various selections of products and services while vendors face enriched potential markets and clients. Hence, the business model of the biotech industry B2B e-marketplace has been one of the hot topics among global e-commerce. Through questionnaires survey, this investigation identifies six key successful factors of biotech e-marketplace by factor analysis techniques. The six factors are: the maturity of internal and external environments, e-flow process, the matching degree of information strategy, innovation ability, web page accessibility, and web site business strategy. Meanwhile, this work also found that within the industry characters technology intensity, safety requirement, production fineness and government correlation significantly impacted the key factors of e-marketplace business successfulness. In addition, this study analyzed that the industry characteristics, key successful factors of e-marketplace, and the performance of e-marketplace are highly interrelated. In another words, the more industry features you can handle, the higher possibility you can succeed in implementing e-marketplace as well as more performance you can enjoy brought by e-marketplace.
起訖頁 41-66
關鍵詞 電子交易市集關鍵成功因素生技醫藥健康產業E-marketplaceKey Successful FactorsBiotech Industry
刊名 電子商務研究  
期數 200306 (1:1期)
出版單位 國立臺北大學資訊管理研究所
該期刊-上一篇 訊息來源、正負面訊息與市場行家特質對網路訊息傳播之影響
該期刊-下一篇 B2B電子商務e化功能與績效




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