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Evaluation of the Development Strategy of the TCI-HSS Database System Based on Usage Statistics and Academic Assessment Perspectives
作者 曾淑賢洪淑芬
「臺灣人文及社會科學引文索引資料庫」(Taiwan Citation Index-Humanities and Social Sciences,簡稱為TCI-HSS資料庫,也常被簡稱為TCI資料庫)最初是於民國101年透過彙整當時國科會的「臺灣社會科學引文索引」(簡稱為TSSCI)、「臺灣人文學引文索引」(簡稱為THCI)與「臺灣人文學引文索引核心期刊」(簡稱為THCICore)而建置,除了匯入原已建置的TSSCI、THCI資料庫之外,也匯入國家圖書館所建置的「臺灣期刊論文索引系統」、「臺灣博碩士論文知識加值系統」等之資料,提供建置引文時,可進行比對確認引文資料的正確性、或直接擷取資料利用,以提升建檔效率。TCI-HSS資料庫建置之初,主要功能是在於輔助支援國內的人文與社會科學領域的期刊之評比;至本文撰寫時的105年,已經持續建檔4年,擴增建檔資料的類型與範圍,並增進優化系統功能,故可發揮更多種輔助學術評鑑之效益。本文首先回顧TCI-HSS資料庫建置之目的與背景,列舉此資料庫系統的發展過程相關統計、以及現今的使用情形,並說明此資料庫系統可支援輔助不同的學術評鑑之功能,進而論述此TCI-HSS資料庫發展過程中整合多個資料庫、以及擴增建檔引文資料範圍之效益。作者於結論中,綜整此資料庫整合發展的具體效益,包括支援期刊評比得以轉型加入多元配分權重、可作為多種評鑑的依據、以及可以發揮作為入口平台之重要功能而裨益學術傳播等。最後並提出關係到TCI-HSS資料庫之引文建檔發展、以及與國家學術知識財典藏保存暨未來推廣發展的相關建議;希望國家的資訊建設,能夠周全兼顧永續的使用推廣與典藏保存。
The initiation of the Taiwan Citation Index - Humanities and Social Sciences (TCI-HSS) was due to the need for a more complete citation index database to support the journal assessments for the humanities and social sciences domain in Taiwan. The Taiwan Social Science Citation Index (TSSCI) and Taiwan Humanities Citation Index (THCI) were developed long before 2012, the year that scholars and the National Science Council (NSC, reformed into Ministry of Science and Technology in 2014) decided to merge these databases to enable an economic, efficient, and sustainable way for the long-term management and development of a citation index for these fields. The National Central Library (NCL) was entrusted to undertake the integration project, and in a collaboration with the NSC and the Advisory Committee for the TCI-HSS, the TCI-HSS database system was created, and the content development and system functionalities enhancement has shown steady progress. The TCI-HSS is a great improvement over its predecessor, and can support more kinds of evaluation and assessments. This paper first explains the current state of the TCI-HSS database system through the following sections: introduction to the background and purpose of the construction of this TCI-HSS database system; explanation of research methodology, statistics about metadata records of ‘source records’ and ‘cited references’ to illustrate an overall picture about the content of the database system; overview of statistics about the percentage distribution of material types found in all of the ‘cited references’; discussion of the usefulness of the TCI-HSS database system through the statistics of webpage usage; discussion of the benefits of utilizing the continuously growing databases owned by the NCL in constructing both ‘source records’ and ‘cited references’ for the TCI-HSS database. Then in the conclusion, the authors summarize the advantages of integrating several databases into one TCI-HSS. This includes enabling the planning of journal assessment to reconsider the proportion of different indicators. The database can thus be developed rapidly to support various kinds of evaluation and assessments, serving as a portal for researchers. In addition, the authors give some suggestions to improve both the metadata construction for this database as well as the preservation and promotion of valuable scholarly materials. Finally, for future consideration, the authors have offered recommendations for improving classifications and for more accurately and efficiently linking authors. It is hoped that this TCI-HSS database system will continue to be developed into a useful tool to serve the scholarly community.
起訖頁 1-38
關鍵詞 臺灣人文及社會科學引文索引資料庫TCI-HSS 資料庫TCI 資料庫期刊影響係 數期刊評比學術評鑑Taiwan Citation Index - Humanities and Social SciencesTCI-HSS Database SystemJournal Impact FactorJournal AssessmentAcademic Assessment
刊名 國家圖書館館刊  
期數 201612 (2016:2期)
出版單位 國家圖書館
該期刊-下一篇 開放取用引文資源庫系統功能比較研究




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