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The Case Report of Distal Radius Fracture Treated by The Feng Yang Men Bone-setting Manipulation
作者 郭信佳黃建魁
Distal radius fracture is a common injury when people fall onto an outstretched hand. If the fracture is not reduced or fixed appropriately, it will result in bad recovery situations, including limitation of wrist movements and wrist dysfunction. This case is concerned with an 89-year-old woman who fell onto her left hand and resulted in her left distal radius fractures. Although orthopedic surgeons used nonoperative treatment by bone-setting manipulation and casting for immobilization, bruise and pain were not alleviated. Because of soaring blood pressure and severe sleep disturbance caused by severe pain derived from her fracture, she turned to Chinese medicine to resolve her problem. After the application of the Feng Yang Men bone-setting manipulation to this unsatisfactory fracture reduction, bruise and pain were dissipated by restored local circulation, and fracture healing was accelerated by the increment of contact in this area. The overall treatment of traditional medicine, including fracture reduction, fixation, oral medicines and topical medicines, made the structure and function of the fracture recover rapidly! This article presents and discusses the use of the Feng Yang Men bone-setting manipulation for Colles’ fracture, and provides reference for the same medical industry.
起訖頁 149-157
關鍵詞 鳳陽門正骨手法橈骨遠端骨折柯雷氏骨折Feng Yang MenBone-setting manipulationDistal radius fractureColles’ fracture
刊名 中醫藥研究論叢  
期數 201603 (19:1期)
出版單位 臺北市中醫師公會
該期刊-上一篇 大腸癌術後解便不利之病例淺談麻子仁丸使用時機與思考策略
該期刊-下一篇 以針刺搭配美式整脊治療骶髂關節合併尾椎骨半脫位所引發的急性下背與臀部疼痛之病例報告




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